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Helm 내용 정리



Helm has fairly simple architecture, which is comprised of a client and an in-cluster server.

  • Tiller server
Helm manages Kubernetes application through a component called Tiller Server installed within a Kubernetes cluster. Tiller interacts with the Kubernetes API server to install, upgrade, query and remove Kubernetes resources.
  • Helm client
Helm provides a command-line interface for users to work with Helm Charts. Helm client is responsible for interacting with the Tiller server to perform various operations like install, upgrade and rollback charts.


Helm manages Kubernetes resource packages through Charts.

  • A chart is a collection of files organized in a specific directory structure.
  • The configuration information related to a chart is managed in the configuration.
  • Finally, a running instance of a chart with a specific config is called a release.


Basic files

  • Chart.yaml: This is the main file that contains the description of our chart.
  • values.yaml: This is the file that contains the default values for our chart.
  • templates: This is the directory where Kubernetes resources are defined as templates.
  • charts: This is an optional directory that may contain sub-charts.
  • .hemignore: This is where we can define patterns to ignore when packaging(similar in concept to .gitignore).

See also