Asterisk ami-action

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Asterisk ami(Asteriskk Manager Interface) 명령어 정리.


Telnet 접속

/etc/asterisk/manager.conf 파일에 설정한 IP 주소 및 포트 번호를 이용하면 telnet 으로도 접속이 가능하다.

$ telnet 5038
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Asterisk Call Manager/1.0


Action 도움말 확인법

vpbx120*CLI> manager show command Logoff 
Action: Logoff
[ActionID:] <value>

Logoff Manager. 

Logoff the current manager session.

    ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.

[See Also]
Not available


Absolute timeout 을 설정한다.

지정된 시간(초) 이후에 자동으로 채널을 종료한다.

Action: AbsoluteTimeout
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Timeout: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : Channel name to hangup.
  • Timeout : Maximum duration of the call (sec).


Action: AbsoluteTimeout
ActionID: 66a9dbf0-dfb1-4382-8055-c5caed9bddb7
Channel: SIP/agent-01-00000003
Timeout: 30

Response: Success
ActionID: 66a9dbf0-dfb1-4382-8055-c5caed9bddb7
Message: Timeout Set

See also


Sets an agent as no longer logged in.

Agent 를 logoff 한다.

Action: AgentLogoff
ActionID: <value>
Agent: <value>
Soft: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Agent : ID of the agent to log off.
  • Soft : Set to true to not hangup existing calls.

See also


등록되어 있는 모든 agent 와 status 를 보여준다.

Action: Agents
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID


Action: Agents

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Agents will follow

Event: Agents
Agent: 10001
Name: agent 10001

Event: AgentsComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1

See also


Add an AGI command to execute by Async AGI.

Add an AGI command to the execute queue of the channel in Async AGI.

Action: AGI
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Command: <value>
CommandID: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : Channel that is currently in Async AGI.
  • Command : Application to execute
  • CommandID : This will be sent back in CommandID header of AsyncAGI exec event notification.


Normal case

Action: AGI
Channel: PJSIP/pjagent-02-00000006
Command: Answer
CommandID: 77cdcf4c-feed-11e7-bd12-5b24ee4818c3

Response: Success
Message: Added AGI command to queue
Action: AGI
Channel: PJSIP/199-00000024
Command: EXEC Playback hello-world

Response: Success
Message: Added AGI command to queue

Error case

Action: AGI
Channel: SIP/agent-01-00000007
Command: Hangup

Response: Error
Message: Failed to add AGI command to channel SIP/agent-01-00000007 queue

See also


Generate an Advice of Charge message on a channel.

Generates an AOC-D or AOC-E message on a channel.

Action: AOCMessage
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
ChannelPrefix: <value>
MsgType: <value>
ChargeType: <value>
UnitAmount(0): <value>
UnitType(0): <value>
CurrencyName: <value>
CurrencyAmount: <value>
CurrencyMultiplier: <value>
TotalType: <value>
AOCBillingId: <value>
ChargingAssociationId: <value>
ChargingAssociationNumber: <value>
ChargingAssociationPlan: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : Channel name to generate the AOC message on.
  • ChannelPrefix : Partial channel prefix. By using this option one can match the beginning part of a channel name without having to put the entire name in. For example if a channel name is SIP/snom-00000001 and this value is set to SIP/snom, then that channel matches and the message will be sent. Note however that only the first matched channel has the message sent on it.
  • MsgType : Defines what type of AOC message to create, AOC-D or AOC-E.
D : 통화 중에 전송되는 AOC Message(Advice of Charge message is sent during a call).
E : 통화가 완료된 후에 전송되는 AOC Message(Advice of Charge message is sent at the end of a call).
  • ChargeType : Defines what kind of charge this message represents.
  • UnitAmount(0) : This represents the amount of units charged. The ETSI AOC standard specifies that this value along with the optional UnitType value are entries in a list. To accommodate this these values take an index value starting at 0 which can be used to generate this list of until entries. For Example, if two unit entries were required this could be achieved by setting the parameter UnitAmount(0)=1234 and UnitAmount(1)=5678. Note that UnitAmount at index 0 is required when ChargeType=Unit, all other entries in the list are optional.
  • UnitType(0) : Defines the type of unit. ETSI AOC standard specifies this as an integer value between 1 and 16, but this value is left open to accept any positive integer. Like the UnitAmount parameter, this value represents a list entry and has an index parameter that starts at 0.
  • CurrencyName : Specifies the currency's name. Note that this value is truncated after 10 characters.
  • CurrencyAmount : Specifies the charge unit amount as a positive integer. This value is required when ChargeType==Currency.
  • CurrencyMultiplier : Specifies the currency multiplier. This value is required when ChargeType==Currency.
  • TotalType : Defines what kind of AOC-D total is represented.
  • AOCBillingId : Represents a billing ID associated with an AOC-D or AOC-E message. Note that only the first 3 items of the enum are valid AOC-D billing IDs.
  • ChargingAssociationId : Charging association identifier. This is optional for AOC-E and can be set to any value between -32768 and 32767.
  • ChargingAssociationNumber : Represents the charging association party number. This value is optional for AOC-E.
  • ChargingAssociationPlan : Integer representing the charging plan associated with the ChargingAssociationNumber. The value is bits 7 through 1 of the Q.931 octet containing the type-of-number and numbering-plan-identification fields.


Action: AOCMessage
Channel: SIP/agent-01-00000008
MsgType: D
ChargeType: Currency
UnitAmout(0): 1000
UnitType(0): 1
CurrencyName: USD
CurrencyAmount: 132
CurrencyMultiplier: One
TotalType: SubTotal

Response: Success
Message: AOC Message successfully queued on channel

See also


Attended transfer.

Action: Atxfer
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Exten: <value>
Context: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : Transfer's channel.
  • Exten : Extension to transfer to.
  • Context : Context to transfer to.

See also


Blind transfer channel(s) to the given destination.

Redirect all channels currently bridged to the specified channel to the specified destination.

Action: BlindTransfer
Channel: <value>
Context: <value>
Exten: <value>
  • Channel
  • Context
  • Exten



Action: BlindTransfer
Channel: SIP/agent-01-00000005
Context: sample_musiconhold
Exten: s

Response: Success
Message: Transfer succeeded

Event: BlindTransfer
Privilege: call,all
Result: Success
TransfererChannel: SIP/agent-01-00000005
TransfererChannelState: 6
TransfererChannelStateDesc: Up
TransfererCallerIDNum: agent-01
TransfererCallerIDName: <unknown>
TransfererConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
TransfererConnectedLineName: <unknown>
TransfererLanguage: en
TransfererContext: park-dial
TransfererExten: SIP_agent-01
TransfererPriority: 1
TransfererUniqueid: 1481706048.11
TransfererLinkedid: 1481706048.11
TransfereeChannel: SIP/agent-01-00000006
TransfereeChannelState: 6
TransfereeChannelStateDesc: Up
TransfereeCallerIDNum: SIP_agent-01
TransfereeCallerIDName: <unknown>
TransfereeConnectedLineNum: agent-01
TransfereeConnectedLineName: <unknown>
TransfereeLanguage: en
TransfereeContext: public
TransfereePriority: 1
TransfereeUniqueid: 1481706093.12
TransfereeLinkedid: 1481706048.11
BridgeUniqueid: b9ad516f-984d-4dce-a465-d95690edc656
BridgeType: basic
BridgeTechnology: native_rtp
BridgeCreator: <unknown>
BridgeName: <unknown>
BridgeNumChannels: 2
IsExternal: Yes
Context: sample_musiconhold
Extension: s


Action: BlindTransfer
Channel: SIP/agent-01-00000002
Exten: s
Context: sample_musiconhold

Response: Error
Message: Transfer invalid

Event: BlindTransfer
Privilege: call,all
Result: Invalid
TransfererChannel: SIP/agent-01-00000002
TransfererChannelState: 6
TransfererChannelStateDesc: Up
TransfererCallerIDNum: agent-01
TransfererCallerIDName: <unknown>
TransfererConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
TransfererConnectedLineName: <unknown>
TransfererLanguage: en
TransfererContext: sample_park
TransfererExten: s
TransfererPriority: 2
TransfererUniqueid: 1481705835.4
TransfererLinkedid: 1481705835.4
BridgeUniqueid: 299de6ea-1dc7-4144-9e46-d6513723333e
BridgeType: parking
BridgeTechnology: holding_bridge
BridgeCreator: Parking
BridgeName: default
BridgeNumChannels: 1
IsExternal: Yes
Context: sample_musiconhold
Extension: s

See also


2 개의 채널을 연결시킨다.

Action: Bridge
ActionID: <value>
Channel1: <value>
Channel2: <value>
Tone: <value>
  • ActionID : ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Channel1 : Channel to Bridge to Channel2.
  • Channel2 : Channel to Bridge to Channel1.
  • Tone : Play courtesy tone to Channel2.


Action: Bridge
Channel1: SIP/agent-01-00000000
Channel2: SIP/agent-02-00000001
ActionID: 61187bf7-6ef3-4fb5-aab6-42ac52ff0878

Response: Success
ActionID: 61187bf7-6ef3-4fb5-aab6-42ac52ff0878
Message: Channels have been bridged

See also


Destroy a bridge.

Deletes the bridge, causing channels to continue or hang up.

Action: BridgeDestroy
ActionID: <value>
BridgeUniqueid: <value>
  • ActionID
  • BridgeUniqueid : The unique ID of the bridge to destroy.

See also


지정한 Bridge 의 상세 정보를 요청한다.

Get information about a bridge. Returns detailed information about a bridge and the channels in it.

Action: BridgeInfo
ActionID: <value>
BridgeUniqueid: <value>
  • ActionID
  • BridgeUniqueid : The unique ID of the bridge about which to retrieve information.



Action: BridgeInfo
BridgeUniqueid: 299de6ea-1dc7-4144-9e46-d6513723333e
ActionID: d3bb2f6b-7e92-45c7-b01b-72d45143b8d1

Response: Success
ActionID: d3bb2f6b-7e92-45c7-b01b-72d45143b8d1
EventList: start
Message: Bridge channel listing will follow

Event: BridgeInfoChannel
ActionID: d3bb2f6b-7e92-45c7-b01b-72d45143b8d1
Channel: SIP/agent-01-0000000a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: agent-01
CallerIDName: <unknown>
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: sample_park
Exten: s
Priority: 2
Uniqueid: 1481708311.23
Linkedid: 1481708311.23

Event: BridgeInfoComplete
ActionID: d3bb2f6b-7e92-45c7-b01b-72d45143b8d1
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1
BridgeUniqueid: 299de6ea-1dc7-4144-9e46-d6513723333e
BridgeType: parking
BridgeTechnology: holding_bridge
BridgeCreator: Parking
BridgeName: default
BridgeNumChannels: 1


Action: BridgeInfo
BridgeUniqueid: 299de6ea-1dc7-4144-9e46-d6513723333eddd
ActionID: d3bb2f6b-7e92-45c7-b01b-72d45143b8d1

Response: Error
ActionID: d3bb2f6b-7e92-45c7-b01b-72d45143b8d1
Message: Specified BridgeUniqueid not found


Kick a channel from a bridge.

The channel is removed from the bridge.

Action: BridgeKick
ActionID: <value>
[BridgeUniqueid:] <value>
Channel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • BridgeUniqueid : The unique ID of the bridge containing the channel to destroy. This parameter can be omitted, or supplied to insure that the channel is not removed from the wrong bridge.
  • Channel : The channel to kick out of a bridge.

See also


Get a list of bridges in the system.

Returns a list of bridges, optionally filtering on a bridge type.

Action: BridgeList
ActionID: <value>
BridgeType: <value>
  • ActionID
  • BridgeType : Optional type for filtering the resulting list of bridges.


Action: BridgeList
ActionID: 692667eb-6c9b-4b7a-bb49-30c6ade671e3

Response: Success
ActionID: 692667eb-6c9b-4b7a-bb49-30c6ade671e3
EventList: start
Message: Bridge listing will follow

Event: BridgeListItem
ActionID: 692667eb-6c9b-4b7a-bb49-30c6ade671e3
BridgeUniqueid: 299de6ea-1dc7-4144-9e46-d6513723333e
BridgeType: parking
BridgeTechnology: holding_bridge
BridgeCreator: Parking
BridgeName: default
BridgeNumChannels: 0

Event: BridgeListComplete
ActionID: 692667eb-6c9b-4b7a-bb49-30c6ade671e3
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1

See also


List available bridging technologies and their statuses.

Returns detailed information about the available bridging technologies.

Action: BridgeTechnologyList
ActionID: <value>


Action: BridgeTechnologyList
ActionID: 049b03bf-3a2b-493c-a2b1-0616293fe08b

Response: Success
ActionID: 049b03bf-3a2b-493c-a2b1-0616293fe08b
EventList: start
Message: Bridge technology listing will follow

Event: BridgeTechnologyListItem
BridgeTechnology: holding_bridge
BridgeType: Holding
BridgePriority: 50
BridgeSuspended: No
ActionID: 049b03bf-3a2b-493c-a2b1-0616293fe08b

Event: BridgeTechnologyListItem
BridgeTechnology: simple_bridge
BridgeType: 1to1Mix
BridgePriority: 50
BridgeSuspended: No
ActionID: 049b03bf-3a2b-493c-a2b1-0616293fe08b

Event: BridgeTechnologyListItem
BridgeTechnology: softmix
BridgeType: MultiMix
BridgePriority: 10
BridgeSuspended: No
ActionID: 049b03bf-3a2b-493c-a2b1-0616293fe08b

Event: BridgeTechnologyListItem
BridgeTechnology: native_rtp
BridgeType: Native
BridgePriority: 90
BridgeSuspended: No
ActionID: 049b03bf-3a2b-493c-a2b1-0616293fe08b

Event: BridgeTechnologyListComplete
ActionID: 049b03bf-3a2b-493c-a2b1-0616293fe08b
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 4

See also


Suspend a bridging technology.

Marks a bridging technology as suspended, which prevents subsequently created bridges from using it.

Action: BridgeTechnologySuspend
ActionID: <value>
BridgeTechnology: <value>
  • BridgeTechnology : The name of the bridging technology to suspend.


Action: BridgeTechnologySuspend
ActionID: 58284e65-4cec-48e3-ba8f-203517974bc3
BridgeTechnology: softmix

Response: Success
ActionID: 58284e65-4cec-48e3-ba8f-203517974bc3
Message: Suspended bridge technology

See also


Unsuspend a bridging technology.

Clears a previously suspended bridging technology, which allows subsequently created bridges to use it.

Action: BridgeTechnologyUnsuspend
ActionID: <value>
BridgeTechnology: <value>
  • ActionID
  • BridgeTechnology : The name of the bridging technology to unsuspend.


Action: BridgeTechnologyUnsuspend
ActionID: 9bb6fb44-e605-4b4b-8c3b-d12c9821f926
BridgeTechnology: softmix

Response: Success
ActionID: 9bb6fb44-e605-4b4b-8c3b-d12c9821f926
Message: Unsuspended bridge technology

See also


Generate Challenge for MD5 Auth.

Generate a challenge for MD5 authentication.

Action: Challenge
ActionID: <value>
AuthType: <value>
  • ActionID
  • AuthType : Digest algorithm to use in the challenge.


Action: Challenge
ActionID: 8189894c-80c9-4566-b4f6-6e542abdc169
AuthType: MD5

Response: Success
ActionID: 8189894c-80c9-4566-b4f6-6e542abdc169
Challenge: 576396885

See also


Change monitoring filename of a channel.

This action may be used to change the file started by a previous "Monitor" action.

Action: ChangeMonitor
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
File: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : Used to specify the channel to record.
  • File : Is the new name of the file created in the monitor spool directory.

See also


Asterisk CLI 명령어를 실행한다.

Action: Command
ActionID: <value>
Command: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Command : 실행하고자 하는 Asterisk CLI 명령어.


Action: Command
Command: sip show peers

Response: Success
Message: Command output follows
Output: Name/username             Host                                    Dyn Forcerport Comedia    ACL Port     Status      Description                      
Output: 200/200                   (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        Unmonitored                                  
Output: 201/201                   (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        Unmonitored                                  
Output: 202/202                   (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        Unmonitored                                  
Output: 300/300                   (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        UNKNOWN                                      
Output: 301/301                   (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        Unmonitored                                  
Output: 302/302                   (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        Unmonitored                                  
Output: agent-01/agent-01         (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        UNKNOWN                                      
Output: agent-02/agent-02         (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        Unmonitored                                  
Output: agent-03/agent-03         (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        Unmonitored                                  
Output: client-01                 (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        Unmonitored                                  
Output: client-02                 (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        Unmonitored                                  
Output: client-03                 (Unspecified)                            D  Auto (No)  No             0        Unmonitored                                  
Output: 12 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 2 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 10 offline]

See also


Kick a Confbridge user.

Action: ConfbridgeKick
ActionID: <value>
Conference: <value>
Channel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Conference
  • Channel : If this parameter is "all", all channels will be kicked from the conference. If this parameter is "paricipants", all non-admin channels will be kicked from the conference.

See also


List prticipants in a conference.

Lists all users in a particular ConfBridge conference. ConfbridgeList will follow as separate events, followed by a final event called ConfbridgeListComplete.

Action: ConfbridgeList
ActionID: <value>
Conference: <value>



Action: ConfbridgeList

Response: Error
Message: No Conference name provided.

See also


현재 사용중인 conference 의 목록을 보여준다.

Lists data about all active conferences. ConfbridgeListRooms will follow as separate events, followed by a final event called ConfbridgeListRoomsComplete.

Action: ConfbridgeListRooms
ActionID: <value>



Action: ConfbridgeListRooms

Response: Error
Message: No active conferences.


Lock a Confbridge conference.

Action: ConfbridgeLock
ActionID: <value>
Conference: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Conference



Action: ConfbridgeLock

Response: Error
Message: No Conference name provided.

See also


Mute a Confbridge user.

Action: ConfbridgeMute
ActionID: <value>
Conference: <value>
Channel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Conference
  • Channel : If this parameter is not a complete channel name, the first channel with this prefix will be used. If this parameter is "all", all channels will be muted. If this parameter is "participants", all non-admin channels will be muted.



Action: ConfbridgeMute

Response: Error
Message: No Conference name provided.

See also


Set a conference user as the single video source distributed to all other pariticipants.

Action: ConfbridgeSetSingleVideoSrc
ActionID: <value>
Conference: <value>
Channel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Conference
  • Channel : If this parameter is not a complete channel name, the first channel with this prefix will be used.



Action: ConfbridgeSetSingleVideoSrc

Response: Error
Message: No Conference name provided.

See also


Start recording a Confbrige conference.

Start recording a conference. If recording is already present an error will be returned. If RecordFile is not provided, the default record file specified in the conference's bridge profile will be used, if that is not present either a file will automatically be generated in the monitor directory.

Action: ConfbridgeStartRecord
ActionID: <value>
Conference: <value>
[RecordFile:] <value>
  • ActionID
  • Conference
  • RecordFile



Action: ConfbridgeStartRecord

Response: Error
Message: No Conference name provided.

See also


Stop recording a Confbridge conference.

Action: ConfbridgeStopRecord
ActionID: <value>
Conference: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Conference



Action: ConfbridgeStopRecord

Response: Error
Message: No Conference name provided.

See also


Unlock a Confbridge conference.

Action: ConfbridgeUnlock
ActionID: <value>
Conference: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Conference



Action: ConfbridgeUnlock

Response: Error
Message: No Conference name provided.

See also


Unmute a Confbridge user.

Action: ConfbridgeUnmute
ActionID: <value>
Conference: <value>
Channel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Conference
  • Channel : If this parameter is not a complete channel name, the first channel with this prefix will be used. If this parameter is "all", all channels will be unmuted. If this parameter is "pariticipants", all non-admin channels will be unmuted.



Action: ConfbridgeUnmute

Response: Error
Message: No Conference name provided.

See also


채널에 재생되는 playback file 을 제어한다.

채널에 재생되는 playback media file 를 제어한다. 파일을 재생하는 것이 아니라, 이미 initiated 된 media file 에 대해 제어를 하는것임에 유의해야 한다.

Control the playback of a file being played to a channel.

Control the operation of a media file being played back to a channel. Note that this AMI action does not initiate playback of media to channel, but rather controls the operation of a media operation that was already initiated on the channel.

The pause and restart control options will stop at playback operation if that operation was not initated from the ControlPlayback application or the control stream file AGI command.

Action: ControlPlayback
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Control: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : The name of the channel that currently has a file being played back to it.
  • Control
stop : Stop the playback operation.
forward : Move the current potition in the media forward. The amount of time that the stream moves forward is determined by the skipms value passed to the application that initiated the playback. The default skipms value is 3000 ms.
reverse : Move the current position in the media backward. The amount of time that the stream moves backward is determined by the skipms value passed to the application that initiated the playback. The default skipms value is 3000 ms.
pause : Pause/unpause the playback operation, if supported. If not supported, stop the playback.
restart : Restart the palyback operation, if supported. If not supported, stop the playback.


Normal stop

Action: ControlPlayback
Channel: SIP/300-00000000
Control: stop

Response: Success


Action: ControlPlayback

Response: Error
Message: Channel not specified

See also


Show PBX core settings(version etc).

Query for Core PBX settings.

Action: CoreSettings
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID


Action: CoreSettings

Response: Success
AMIversion: 2.8.0
AsteriskVersion: 14.1.1
CoreMaxCalls: 0
CoreMaxLoadAvg: 0.000000
CoreMaxFilehandles: 0
CoreRealTimeEnabled: No
CoreCDRenabled: Yes
CoreHTTPenabled: No

See also


현재 활성화되어 있는 채널의 목록을 보여준다.

목록과 함께 간단한 채널 정보를 나타낸다.

Action: CoreShowChannels
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID


Action: CoreShowChannels

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Channels will follow

Event: CoreShowChannel
Channel: SIP/300-00000001
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 300
CallerIDName: <unknown>
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: sample_musiconhold
Exten: s
Priority: 3
Uniqueid: 1483520582.2
Linkedid: 1483520582.2
Application: MusicOnHold
Duration: 00:00:03

Event: CoreShowChannelsComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1

See also


Show PBX core status variables.

Query for Core PBX status.

Action: CoreStatus
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID


Action: CoreStatus

Response: Success
CoreStartupDate: 2016-12-31
CoreStartupTime: 18:17:30
CoreReloadDate: 2016-12-31
CoreReloadTime: 18:17:30
CoreCurrentCalls: 0

See also


Configuration directory 에 빈 파일을 생성한다. 보통 UpdateConfig action 과 같이 사용된다.

Create an empty file in the configuration directory.

This action will create an empty file in the configuration directory. This action is intended to be used before an UpdateConfig action.

Action: CreateConfig
ActionID: <value>
Filename: <value>


Action: CreateConfig
Filename: test.conf

Response: Success
Message: New configuration file created successfully

See also


Dial over DAHDI channel while offhook.

Generate DTMF control frames to the bridged peer.

Action: DAHDIDialOffhook
ActionID: <value>
DAHDIChannel: <value>
Number: <value>
  • ActionID
  • DAHDIChannel : DAHDI channel number to dial digits.
  • Number : Digits to dial.

See also


Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status OFF.

Equivalent to the CLI command "dahdi set dnd channel off".

Feature only supported by analog channel.
Action: DAHDIDNDoff
ActionID: <value>
DAHDIChannel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • DAHDIChannel : DAHDI channel number to set DND off.

See also


Toggle DAHDI channel Do Not Disturb status ON.

Equivalent to the CLI command "dahdi set dnd channel on".

Feature only supported by analog channels.
Action: DAHDIDNDon
ActionID: <value>
DAHDIChannel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • DAHDIChannel : DAHDI channel number to set DND on.

See also


Hangup DAHDI Channel.

Simulate an on-hook event by the user connected to the channel.

Valid only for analog channels.
Action: DAHDIHangup
ActionID: <value>
DAHDIChannel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • DAHDIChannel : DAHDI chnnel number to hangup.

See also


Fully Restart DAHDI channels(terminates calls).

Equivalent to the CLI command "dahdi restart".

Action: DAHDIRestart
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID

See also


Show status of DAHDI channels.

Similar to the CLI command "dahdi show channels".

Action: DAHDIShowChannels
ActionID: <value>
DAHDIChannel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • DAHDIChannel : Specify the specify channel number to show. Show all channels if zero or not present.

See also


Transfer DAHDI Channel.

Simulate a flash hook by the user connected to the channel.

Valid only for analog channels.
Action: DAHDITransfer
ActionID: <value>
DAHDIChannel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • DAHDIChannel : DAHDI channel number to transfer.

See also


Retrieve the data api tree.

Action: DataGet
ActionID: <value>
Path: <value>
Search: <value>
Filter: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Path
  • Search
  • Filter



Action: DataGet
Path: /asterisk/channel/sip/peers
Search: peers/peer/name=agent-01

Event: DataGet Tree
1-peers.peer.vmexten: asterisk
1-peers.peer.is_realtime: False
2-peers.peer.amaflags.text: Unknown
2-peers.peer.amaflags.value: 0
1-peers.peer.transports: UDP
1-peers.peer.inuse: 0
1-peers.peer.timer_t1: 500
3-peers.peer.callingpres.text: Presentation Allowed, Not Screened
3-peers.peer.callingpres.value: 0
1-peers.peer.host_dynamic: True
1-peers.peer.useragent: Blink 1.4.2 (Linux)


Action: DataGet

Response: Error
Message: 'Path' parameter not specified

See also


Delete DB entry.

Action: DBDel
ActionID: <value>
Family: <value>
Key: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Family
  • Key


Action: DBDel
Family: TestFamily
Key: Testkey

Response: Success
Message: Key deleted successfully

See also


Delete DB Tree.

Action: DBDelTree
ActionID: <value>
Family: <value>
Key: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Family
  • Key

See also


Get DB Entry

Action: DBGet
ActionID: <value>
Family: <value>
Key: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Family
  • Key



Action: DBGet
Family: pbx

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Result will follow

Event: DBGetResponse
Family: pbx
Val: 5c734b17-7f60-477d-b350-cf972c5e4ebb

Event: DBGetComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1


Action: DBGet
Family: Queue
Key: *

Response: Error
Message: Database entry not found

See also


Put DB entry.

Action: DBPut
ActionID: <value>
Family: <value>
Key: <value>
Val: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Family
  • Key
  • Val


Action: DBPut
Family: TestFamily
Key: Testkey
Val: TestVal

Response: Success
Message: Updated database successfully

See also


List the current known device states.

This will list out all known device states in a sequence of DeviceStateChange events. When finished, a DeviceStateListComplete event will be emitted.

Action: DeviceStateList
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID


Action: DeviceStateList

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Device State Changes will follow

Event: DeviceStateChange
Device: SIP/300


Event: DeviceStateListComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 13

See also


Enable since Asterisk-13

Dialplan 에 Extension 을 추가한다.

Action: DialplanExtensionAdd
ActionID: <value>
Context: <value>
Extension: <value>
Priority: <value>
Application: <value>
[ApplicationData:] <value>
[Replace:] <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Context - Context where the extension will be created. The context will be created if it does not already exist.
  • Extension - Name of the extension that will be created (may include callerid match by separating with '/')
  • Priority - Priority being added to this extension. Must be either hint or a numerical value.
  • Application - The application to use for this extension at the requested priority
  • ApplicationData - Arguments to the application.
  • Replace - If set to 'yes', '1', 'true' or any of the other values we evaluate as true, then if an extension already exists at the requested context, extension, and priority it will be overwritten. Otherwise, the existing extension will remain and the action will fail.


Action: DialplanExtensionAdd
ActionID: 123456
Context: test_dialplan
Extension: test_exten
Priority: 1
Application: echo

Response: Success
ActionID: 123456
Message: Added requested extension

See also


Enable since Asterisk-13

Dialplan 에서 Extension 을 삭제한다.

Action: DialplanExtensionRemove
ActionID: <value>
Context: <value>
Extension: <value>
[Priority:] <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Context - Context of the extension being removed
  • Extension - Name of the extension being removed (may include callerid match by separating with '/')
  • Priority - If provided, only remove this priority from the extension instead of all priorities in the extension.


Action: DialplanExtensionRemove
ActionID: 999
Context: test_dialplan
Extension: test_exten

Response: Success
ActionID: 999
Message: Removed the requested extension

See also


Control Event Flow.

수신하는 Event 를 on/off 한다. Off 로 설정할 경우, 모든 종류의 Event notify 수신을 거부하게 된다.

Action: Events
ActionID: <value>
EventMask: <value>
  • ActionID
  • EventMask
on : If all events should be sent.
off : if no events should be sent.
system, call, log, ... : To select which flags events should have to be sent.


Action: Events
Eventmask: off

Response: Success
Events: Off

See also


Check Extension Status.

Report the extension state for given extension. If the extension has a hint, will use devicestate to check the status of the device connected to the extension. Will return an Extension Status message. The response will include the hint for the extension and the status.

Action: ExtensionState
ActionID: <value>
Exten: <value>
Context: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Exten : Extension to check state on.
  • Context : Context for extension.


Action: ExtensionState
Exten: agent-01
Context: public

Response: Success
Message: Extension Status
Exten: agent-01
Context: public
Status: -1
StatusText: Unknown

See also


List the current known extension states.

This will list out all known extension states in a sequence of ExtensionStatus events. When finished, a ExtensionStateListComplete event will be emitted.

Action: ExtensionStateList
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID


Action: ExtensionStateList

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Extension Statuses will follow

Event: ExtensionStatus
Exten: 1000
Context: demo
Hint: SIP/1000
Status: 4
StatusText: Unavailable

Event: ExtensionStatus
Exten: 1001
Context: demo
Hint: SIP/1001
Status: 4
StatusText: Unavailable

Event: ExtensionStatus
Exten: 1234
Context: default
Hint: SIP/1234
Status: 4
StatusText: Unavailable

Event: ExtensionStateListComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 3

See also


Responsds with a detailed description of a single FAX session.

Provides details about a specific FAX session. The response will include a common subset of the output from the CLI command "fax show session <session_number>" for each technology. If the FAX technology used by this session does not include a handler for FAXSession, then this action will fail.

Action: FAXSession
ActionID: <value>
SessionNumber: <value>
  • ActionID
  • SessionNumber : The session ID of the fax the user is interested in.



Action: FAXSession

Response: Error
Message: Invalid session ID

See also


Lists active FAX sessions.

Will generate a series of FAXSession events with information about each FAXSession. Closes with a FAXSessionsComplete event which includes a count of the included FAX sessions. This action works in the same manner as the CLI command "fax show sessions".

Action: FAXSessions
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID


Action: FAXSessions

Response: Success
EventList: Start
Message: FAXSessionsEntry event list will follow

Event: FAXSessionsComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 0
Total: 0

See also


Responds with fax statistics.

Provides FAX statistics including the number of active sessions, reserved sessions, completed sessions, failed sessions, and the number receive/transmit attempts. This command provides all the non-technology specific information provided by the CLI command "fax show stats".

Action: FAXStats
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID


Action: FAXStats

Response: Success
Message: FAXStats event will follow

Event: FAXStats
CurrentSessions: 0
ReservedSessions: 0
TransmitAttempts: 0
ReceiveAttempts: 0
CompletedFAXes: 0
FailedFAXes: 0

See also


Dynamically add filters for the current manager session.

The filters added are only used for the current session. Once the connection is closed the filters are removed. This command requires the system permission because this command can be used to create filters that may bypass filters defined in manager.conf.

Action: Filter
ActionID: <value>
Operation: <value>
Filter: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Operation
Add : Add a filter.
  • Filter : Filters can be whitelist of blacklist. Example whitelist filter: "Event: Newchannel". Example blacklist filter: "!Channel: DAHDI.*". This filter option is used to whitelist or blacklist events per user to be reported with regular expression and are allowed if both the regex matches and the user has read access as defined in manager.conf. Filters are assumed to be for whitelisting unless preceeded by an exclamation point, which marks it as being black. Evaluation of the filters is as follows:
If no filters are configured all events are reported as normal.
If there are white filters only: implied black all filter processed first, then white filters.
If there are black filters only: implied white all filter processed first, then black filters.
If there are both white and black filters: implied black all filter processed first, then white filters, and lastly black filters.


Action: Filter
Operation: Add
Filter: !Event: Fax*

Response: Success
Message: Success

See also


Show current event filters for this session.

The filters displayed are for the current session. Only those filters defined in manager.conf will be present upon starting a new session.

Action: FilterList
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID

See also


Retrieve configuration.

This action will dump the contents of a configuration file by category and contents or optionally by specified category only. In the case where a category name is non-unique, a filter may be specified to match only categories with matching variable values.

Action: GetConfig
ActionID: <value>
Filename: <value>
Category: <value>
Filter: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Filename : Configuration filename(e.g. foo.conf)
  • Category : Category in configuration file.
  • Filter : A comma separated list of name_regex=value_regex expressions which will cause only categories whose variables match all expressions to be considered. The special variable name TEMPLATES can be used to control whether templates are included. Passing include as the value will include templates along with normal categories. Passing restrict as the value will restrict the operation to ONLY templates. Not specifying a TEMPLATES expression result in the default behavior which is to not include templates.


Action: GetConfig
Filename: queues.conf

Response: Success
Category-000000: general
Line-000000-000000: persistentmembers=yes
Line-000000-000001: monitor-type=MixMonitor
Category-000001: sales_1
Line-000001-000000: musicclass=default
Line-000001-000001: strategy=ringall
Line-000001-000002: joinempty=yes

See also


지정한 Configuration 파일 내용은 JSON 형식으로 나타낸다.

Retrieve configuration (JSON format).

This action will dump the contents of a configuration file by category and contents in JSON format or optionally by specified category only. This only makes sense to be used using rawman over the HTTP interface. In the case where a category name is non-unique, a filter may be specified to match only categories with matching variable values.

Action: GetConfigJSON
ActionID: <value>
Filename: <value>
Category: <value>
Filter: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Filename : Configuration filename(e.g. foo.conf)
  • Category : Category in cofiguration file.
  • Filter : A comma separated list of name_regex=value_regex expressions which will cause only categories whose variables match all expressions to be considered. The special variable name TEMPLATES can be used to control whether templates are included. Passing include as the value will include templates along with normal categories. Passing restrict as the value will restrict the operation to ONLY templates. not specifying a TEMPLATES expression results in the default behavior which is to not include templates.


Action: GetConfigJSON
Filename: queues.conf

Response: Success
JSON: {"general":{"persistentmembers":"yes","monitor-type":"MixMonitor"},"sales_1":{"musicclass":"default","strategy":"ringall","joinempty":"yes"}}

See also


지정한 Variable 의 값을 확인한다. 만약 채널을 지정하지 않을 경우, global variable 로 간주한다.

Gets the value of a channel variable or function return.

If a channel name is not provided then the variable is considered global.
Action: Getvar
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Variable: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : Channel to read variable from.
  • Variable : Variable name, function or expression.


Action: GetVar
Variable: CONSOLE

Response: Success
Variable: CONSOLE
Value: Console/dsp

See also


채널을 종료한다.

Action: Hangup
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Cause: <value>
  • channel : 종료하고자하는 채널의 정확한 이름. 혹은 정규표현식도 가능하다.
Example exact channel: SIP/provider-0000012a
Example regular expression: /^SIP/provider-.*$/
  • Cause : 채널 종료 사유(숫자). 자세한 Cause 종류와 내용은 Asterisk_code 참조.



Action: Hangup
Channel: SIP/300-00000000
Cause: 16

Response: Success
Message: Channel Hungup


Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/300-00000000
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 300
CallerIDName: <unknown>
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: sample_musiconhold
Exten: s
Priority: 3
Uniqueid: 1484558265.0
Linkedid: 1484558265.0
Cause: 16
Cause-txt: Normal Clearing

Hangup request without cause code

Action: Hangup
Channel: SIP/300-00000001

Response: Success
Message: Channel Hungup


Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
Channel: SIP/300-00000001
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 300
CallerIDName: <unknown>
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: sample_musiconhold
Exten: s
Priority: 3
Uniqueid: 1484558362.2
Linkedid: 1484558362.2
Cause: 0
Cause-txt: Unknown

See also


Show IAX Netstats.

Show IAX channels network statistics.

Action: IAXnetstats

See also


모든 IAX peer 정보를 표시한다.

List IAX Peers.

Action: IAXpeerlist
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID

See also


List IAX peers.

Action: IAXpeers
ActionID: <value>

See also


Show IAX registrations.

Action: IAXregistry
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID

See also


Sends a message to a Jabber Client. (res_xmpp)

Action: JabberSend
ActionID: <value>
Jabber: <value>
JID: <value>
Message: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Jabber : Client or transport Asterisk uses to connect to JABBER.
  • JID : XMPP/Jabber (name) of recipient.
  • Message : Message to be sent to the buddy.

See also


List categories in configuration file.

This action will dump the categories in a given file.

Action: ListCategories
ActionID: <value>
Filename: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Filename : Configuration filename(e.g. foo.conf)


Action: ListCategories
Filename: sip.conf

Response: Success
Category-000000: general
Category-000001: authentication
Category-000002: agent-01
Category-000003: agent-02
Category-000004: agent-03
Category-000005: client-01
Category-000006: client-02
Category-000007: client-03
Category-000008: 200
Category-000009: 201
Category-000010: 202
Category-000011: 300
Category-000012: 301
Category-000013: 302

See also


현재 접속중인 계정으로 사용가능한 모든 AMI action 명령어 목록을 보여준다.

List available manager commands.

Returns the action name and synopsis for every action that is available to the user.

Action: ListCommands
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID


Action: ListCommands

Response: Success
AbsoluteTimeout: Set absolute timeout.  (Priv: system,call,all)
AgentLogoff: Sets an agent as no longer logged in.  (Priv: agent,all)

See also


Optimize away a local channel when possible.

A local channel created with "/n" will not automatically optimize away. Calling this command on the local channel will clear that flag and allow it to optimize away if it's bridged or when it becomes bridged.

Action: LocalOptimizeAway
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : The channel name to optimize away.



Action: LocalOptimizeAway
Channel: SIP/300-00000002

Response: Error
Message: Unable to find channel

See also


Reload and rotate the Asterisk logger.

Reload and rotate the logger. Analogous to the CLI command "logger rotate".

Action: LoggerRotate
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID


Action: LoggerRotate

Response: Success
Message: Reloaded the logger and rotated log files

See also


AMI login 을 한다.

Action: Login
ActionID: <value>
Username: <value>
Secret: <value>
  • Username : Access Username. manager.conf 에 설정되어 있다.
  • Secret : Password. manager.conf 에 설정되어 있다.


$ telnet localhost 5038
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Asterisk Call Manager/2.8.0

Action: login
username: test
secret: test

Response: Success
Message: Authentication accepted

See also


AMI logoff 를 한다.

Action: Logoff
ActionID: <value>


Action: Logoff
ActionID: logofftest

Response: Goodbye
ActionID: logofftest
Message: Thanks for all the fish.

See also


음성사서함에 저장된 메시지 갯수를 확인한다.

Check Mailbox Message Count.

Checks a voicemail account for new messages. Returns number of urgent, new and old messages.

Action: MailboxCount
ActionID: <value>
Mailbox: <value>
  • Mailbox : Full mailbox ID. mailbox@vm-context.


Action: MailboxCount
Mailbox: 6001@vm-demo

Response: Success
Message: Mailbox Message Count
Mailbox: 6001@vm-demo
UrgMessages: 0
NewMessages: 2
OldMessages: 1

See also


Check mailbox.

Checks a voicemail account for status. Returns whether there are messages waiting.

Action: MailboxStatus
ActionID: <value>
Mailbox: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Mailbox : Full mailbox ID. mailbox@vm-context.


Action: MailboxStatus
Mailbox: 6001@vm-demo

Response: Success
Message: Mailbox Status
Mailbox: 6001@vm-demo
Waiting: 1

See also


List participants in a conference.

Lists all users in a particular MeetMe conference. MeetmeList will follow as separate events, followed by a final event called MeetmeListComplete.

Action: MeetmeList
ActionID: <value>
[Conference:] <value>
  • ActionID
  • Conference : Conference number

See also


List active conference.

Lists data about all active conferences. MeetmeListRooms will follow as separate events, followed by a final event MeetmeListRoomsComplete.

Action: MeetmeListRooms
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID

See also


Mute a Meetme user.

Action: MeetmeMute
ActionID: <value>
Meetme: <value>
Usernum: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Meetme
  • Usernum

See also


Unmute a Meetme user.

Action: MeetmeUnmute
ActionID: <value>
Meetme: <value>
Usernum: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Meetme
  • Usernum

See also


Send an out of call message to an endpoint.

Action: MessageSend
ActionID: <value>
To: <value>
From: <value>
Body: <value>
Base64Body: <value>
Variable: <value>
  • ActionID
  • To : The URI the message is to be sent to.
Technology : PJSIP - Specifying a prefix of pjsip. Will send the message as a SIP MESSAGE request.
Technology : SIP - Specifying a prefix of sip. Will send the message as a SIP MESSAGE request.
Technology : XMPP - Specifying a prefix of xmpp. Will send the message as an XMPP chat message.
  • From : A from URI for the message if needed for the message technology being used to send this message.
Technology : PJSIP - The from parameter can be a configured endpoint or in the form of "display-name" <URI>.
Technology : SIP - The from parameter can be a configured endpoint or in the form of "display-name" <URI>.
Technology : XMPP - Specifying a prefix of xmpp. Will specify the account defined in xmpp.conf to send the message form. Note that this field is required for XMPP messages.
  • Body : The message body text. This must not contain any newlines as that conflicts with the AMI protocol.
  • Base64Body : Text bodies requiring the use of newlines have to be base 64 encoded in this field. Base64Body will be encoded before being sent out. Base64Body takes precedence over Body.
  • Variable : Message variable to set, multiple Variable: headers are allowed. The header value is a comma separated list of name=value pairs.



Action: MessageSend
Body: Test message

Response: Success
Message: Message successfully sent


Action: MessageSend
Body: Test message

Response: Error
Message: Message technology not found.

See also


Record a call end mix the audio during the recording. Use of StopMixMonitor is required to guarantee the audio file is available for processing during dialplan execution.

This action records the audio on the current channel to the specified file.

MIXMONITOR_FILENAME : Will contain the filename used to record the mixed stream.
Action: MixMonitor
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
File: <value>
options: <value>
Command: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : Used to specify the channel to record.
  • File : The name of the file created in the monitor spool directory. Defaults to the same name as the channel(with slashes replaced with dashes). This argument is optional if you specify to record unidirectional audio with either the r(filename) or t(filename) options in the options field. If neither MIXMONITOR_FILENAME or this parameter is set, the mixed stream won't be recorded.
  • options : Options that apply to the MixMonitor in the same way as they would apply if invoked from the MixMonitor application. For a list of available options, see the documentation for the mixmonitor application.
  • Command : Will be executed when the recording is over. Any string matching ^{X} will be unescaped to X. All variables will be evaluated at the time MixMonitor is called.


Action: MixMonitor
Channel: SIP/agent-01-00000009
File: test_record

Response: Success

See also


Mixmonitor 중인 채널의 음소거 혹은 음소거 해제를 한다.

Recording 뿐만 아니라, 통화에서도 음소거/음소거 해제가 된다.

Mute/unMute a Mixmonitor recording.

This action may be used to mute a MixMonitor recording.

Action: MixMonitorMute
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Direction: <value>
State: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : Used to specify the channel to mute.
  • Direction : Which part of the recording to mute. read, write or both (from channel, to channel or both channels).
  • State : Turn mute on or off. 1 to on, 0 to turn off.


Action: MixMonitorMute
Channel: SIP/agent-01-0000000a
Direction: both
State: 1

Response: Success

See also


모듈이 load 되어 있는지를 확인한다.

Check if module is loaded.

Checks if Asterisk module is loaded. Will return Success/Failure. For Success returns, the module revision number is included.

Action: ModuleCheck
ActionID: <value>
Module: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Module : Asterisk module name(not including extension).



Action: ModuleCheck
Module: chan_sip

Response: Success
Version: Revision: 369792


Action: ModuleCheck
Module: chan_sip test

Response: Error
Message: Module not loaded

See also


Module management.

Loads, unloads or reloads an Asterisk module in a running system.

Action: ModuleLoad
ActionID: <value>
Module: <value>
LoadType: <value>
  • Action
  • Module : 모듈 이름 혹은 서브 시스템 구분자. 원문에는 .so 확장자까지 전부 입력해야 한다고 나와 있으나, 테스트 결과(Asterisk-1.8, Asterisk-14) 확장자는 없어도 상관 없었다. 아래에는 사용가능한 서브시스템 이름 목록들이다. Asterisk module name (including .so extension) or subsystem identifier.
  • LoadType : The operation to be done on module. Subsystem identifiers may only be reloaded. If no module is specified for a r
load : 지정된 모듈을 load 한다.
unload : 지정된 모듈을 unreload 한다.
reload : 지정된 모듈을 reload 한다. 만약 지정된 모듈이 없을 경우, 모든 모듈을 reload 한다.


Normal subsystem

Action: ModuleLoad
Module: cdr
LoadType: reload

Response: Success
Message: Module reloaded.

Normal module name

Action: ModuleLoad
Module: chan_sip
LoadType: reload

Response: Success
Message: Module reloaded.


Action: ModuleLoad
Module: chan_sip_test
LoadType: reload

Response: Error
Message: No such module.

See also


채널을 모니터링 한다. 모니터링되는 채널은 in/out 오디로가 녹음되며, 녹음된 파일의 Default 디렉토리는 (/var/spool/asterisk/monitor) 이다.

pchero@pluto:/var/spool/asterisk/monitor $ ls -tlr
total 408
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 206764 Dec 16 09:26 SIP-300-00000000-out.wav
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 206444 Dec 16 09:26 SIP-300-00000000-in.wav

This action may be used to record the audio on a specified channel.

Action: Monitor
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
File: <value>
Format: <value>
Mix: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : Used to specify the channel to record.
  • File : Is the name of the file created in the monitor spool directory. Defaults to the same name as the channel(with slashed replaced with dashes).
  • Format : Is the audio recording format. Defaults to wav.
  • Mix : 하나의 파일에 input/output 데이터를 모두 write 할 지를 설정한다(Default : false). Boolean parameter as to whether to mix the input and output channels together after the recording is finished.


Action: Monitor
Channel: SIP/300-00000000

Response: Success
Message: Started monitoring channel

See also


지정된 채널의 음소거를 on/off 한다.

Mute an audio stream.

Mute an incoming or outgoing audio stream on a channel.

Action: MuteAudio
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Direction: <value>
State: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : The channel you want to mute.
  • Direction 음소거를 하고자 하는 음성 방향.
in : Set muting on inbound audio stream(to the PBX).
out : Set muting on outbound audio stream(from the PBX).
all : Set muting on inbound and outbound streams.
  • State
on : Turn muting on.
off : Turn muting off.



Action: MuteAudio
Channel: SIP/300-00000000
Direction: all
State: on

Response: Success

Error state not specified

Action: MuteAudio
Channel: SIP/300-00000000

Response: Error
Message: State not specified

Error direction not specified

Action: MuteAudio
Channel: SIP/300-00000000
State: on

Response: Error
Message: Direction not specified

See also


Delete selected maiboxes.

Action: MWIDelete
ActionID: <value>
Mailbox: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Mailbox : Mailbox ID in the form of /regex/ for all mailboxes matching the regular expression. Otherwise it is for a specific mailbox.

See also


Get selected mailboxes with message counts.

Action: MWIGet
ActionID: <value>
Mailbox: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Mailbox : Mailbox ID in the form of /regex/ for all mailboxes matching the regular expression. Otherwise it is for a specific mailbox.

See also


Update the mailbox message counts.

Action: MWIUpdate
ActionID: <value>
Mailbox: <value>
OldMessages: <value>
NewMessages: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Mailbox : Specific mailbox ID.
  • OldMessages : The number of old messages in the mailbox. Defaults to zero if missing.
  • NewMessages : The number of new messages in the mailbox. Defaults to zero if missing.

See also


발신을 한다.

Action: Originate
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Exten: <value>
Context: <value>
Priority: <value>
Application: <value>
Data: <value>
Timeout: <value>
CallerID: <value>
Variable: <value>
Account: <value>
EarlyMedia: <value>
Async: <value>
Codecs: <value>
ChannelId: <value>
OtherChannelId: <value>
  • Channel : 발신 목적지 채널
  • Exten : 발신 성공 후 연결될 Extension(Context, Priority 항목 설정 필요)
  • Context : 발신 성공 후 연결될 Context(Exten, Priority 항목 설정 필요)
  • Priority : 발신 성공 후 사용될 Priority(Exten, Context 항목 설정 필요)
  • Application : 발신 성공 후 실행될 Application
  • Data : Application 에 사용될 Data(Application 항목 설정 필요)
  • Timeout : 발신 후, 응답시까지의 timeout
  • CallerID : 발신 채널에 설정될 Caller ID. "CallerIDName"<CallerIdNum> 의 형식으로 name 과 number 의 설정이 가능하다<ref></ref>
  • Variable : 채널 헤더에 설정될 임의 변수 값. 다중의 채널 헤더 변수 값 설정 가능.
  • Account  : Account code
  • EalryMedia : true 설정시, 강제로 early media 로 연결되게 된다.
  • Async : true 설정시, 곧바로 발신 성공값을 리턴한다.
  • Codecs : 발신에 사용될 코덱 지정. 콤마로 구분자로 여러개의 값을 지정할 수 있다.
  • ChannelId : 채널에 설정될 유니크 아이디 값.
  • OtherChannelId : 다른쪽 로컬 채널에 설정될 유니크 아이디 값.


Normal with async

Action: Originate
ActionId: 1112
Channel: sip/300
Application: park
Async: 1

Response: Success
ActionID: 1112
Message: Originate successfully queued

Normal without async

Action: Originate
Channel: sip/300
Application: park

Response: Success
Message: Originate successfully queued


Action: Originate
Channel: wrong_tech/300
Application: park

Response: Error
Message: Originate failed

See also


Action: Park
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
[TimeoutChannel:] <value>
[AnnounceChannel:] <value>
[Timeout:] <value>
[Parkinglot:] <value>
  • ActionID - Action ID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Channel - Channel name to park.
  • TimeoutChannel - Channel name to use when constructing the dial string that will be dialed if the parked channel times out. If TimeoutChannel is in a two party bridge with channel, then TimeoutChannel will receive an announcement and be treated as having parked Channel in the same manner as the Park Call DTMF feature.
  • AnnounceChannel - If specified, then this channel will receive an announcement when Channel is parked if AnnounceChannel is in a state where it can receive announcements(AnnounceChannel must be bridged). AnnounceChannel has no bearing on the actual state of the parked call.
  • Timeout - Overrides the timeout of the parking lot for this park action. Specified in milliseconds, but will be converted to seconds. Use a value of 0 to disable the timeout.
  • Parkinglot - The parking lot to use when parking the channel.


Action: park
Channel: SIP/300-00000013

Response: Success
Message: Park successful


해당 parking lot 에 대기중인 콜들의 정보를 요청한다.

Action: ParkedCalls
ActionID: <value>
ParkingLot: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • ParkingLot - If specified, only show parked calls from the parking lot with this name.


Action: Parkedcalls

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Parked calls will follow

Event: ParkedCall
ParkeeChannel: SIP/300-00000000
ParkeeChannelState: 6
ParkeeChannelStateDesc: Up
ParkeeCallerIDNum: 300
ParkeeConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ParkeeConnectedLineName: <unknown>
ParkeeLanguage: en
ParkeeContext: sample_park
ParkeeExten: s
ParkeePriority: 2
ParkeeUniqueid: 1491378491.0
ParkeeLinkedid: 1491378491.0
ParkerDialString: SIP/300
Parkinglot: default
ParkingSpace: 701
ParkingTimeout: 41
ParkingDuration: 4

Event: ParkedCallsComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1
Total: 1


현재 등록되어 있는 모든 parking lot 정보를 요청한다.

Action: Parkinglots
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.


Action: Parkinglots

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Parking lots will follow

Event: Parkinglot
Name: default
StartSpace: 701
StopSpace: 720
Timeout: 45

Event: ParkinglotsComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1

See also


Pause monitoring of a channel.

This action may be used to temporarily stop the recording of a channel.

Action: PauseMonitor
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
  • Channel : Used to specify the channel to record.

See also


Keepalive command

A 'Ping' action will elicit a 'Pong' response. Used to keep the manager connection open.

Action: Ping
ActionID: <value>


Action: Ping
ActionID: f6db6704-6412-466f-bd0c-7fe06fe1acb7

Response: Success
ActionID: f6db6704-6412-466f-bd0c-7fe06fe1acb7
Ping: Pong
Timestamp: 1494854593.314921

See also


Send a NOTIFY to either an endpoint or an arbitrary URI.

Sends a NOTIFY to an endpoint or an arbitrary URI. All parameters for this event must be specified in the body of this request via multiple Variable: name=value sequence.

One (and only one) of Endpoint or URI must be specified. If URI is used, the default outbound endpoint will be used to send the message. If the default outbound endpoint isn't configured, this command can not send to an arbitrary URI.
Action: PJSIPNotify
ActionID: <value>
[Endpoint:] <value>
[URI:] <value>
Variable: <value>
  • Endpoint : The endpoint to which to send the NOTIFY.
  • URI : Arbitrary URI to which to send the NOTIFY.
  • Variable : Appends variables as headers/content to the NOTIFY. If the variable is named Content, then the value will compose the body of the message if another variable sets Content-Type. name=value.

See also


Qualify a chan_pjsip endpoint.

Action: PJSIPQualify
ActionID: <value>
Endpoint: <value>
  • Endpoint : The endpoint you want to qualify.

See also


Register an outbound registration.

Unregisters the specified (or all) outbound registration(s) then starts registration and schedules re-registrations according to configuration.

Action: PJSIPRegister
ActionID: <value>
Registration: <value>
  • Registration : The outbound registration to register or "*all" to register them all.

See also


Detail listing of an endpoint and its objects.

Provides a detailed listing of options for given endpoint. Events are issued showing the configuration and status of the endpoint and associated objects. These events include EndpointDetail, AorDetail, AuthDetail, TransportDetail, and IdentifyDetail.

Some events may be listed multiple times if multiple objects are associated (for instance AoRs). Once all detail events have been raised a final EndpointDetailComplete event is issued.

Action: PJSIPShowEndpoint
ActionID: <value>
Endpoint: <value>
  • Endpoint: The endpoint to list.


Action: PJSIPShowEndpoint
Endpoint: 199

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Following are Events for each object associated with the the Endpoint

Event: EndpointDetail
ObjectType: endpoint
ObjectName: 199
RpidImmediate: false
Webrtc: no
DeviceStateBusyAt: 0
T38UdptlMaxdatagram: 0
DtlsRekey: 0
DirectMediaMethod: invite
SendRpid: false
SdpSession: Asterisk
DtlsVerify: Yes
RecordOnFeature: automixmon
DtlsFingerprint: SHA-256
TimersSessExpires: 1800
MediaEncryptionOptimistic: false
Aors: 199
IdentifyBy: username
CalleridPrivacy: allowed_not_screened
MwiSubscribeReplacesUnsolicited: false
CosAudio: 0
Context: default
RtpSymmetric: false
MohSuggest: default
T38Udptl: false
FaxDetect: false
TosVideo: 0
SrtpTag32: false
ReferBlindProgress: true
MaxAudioStreams: 1
Bundle: false
UseAvpf: true
FaxDetectTimeout: 0
SdpOwner: -
ForceRport: true
RtpTimeoutHold: 0
UsePtime: false
RtpTimeout: 0
PreferredCodecOnly: false
ForceAvp: false
RecordOffFeature: automixmon
SendDiversion: true
T38UdptlIpv6: false
AllowSubscribe: true
RtpIpv6: false
Callerid: <unknown>
MohPassthrough: false
CosVideo: 0
AsymmetricRtpCodec: false
IceSupport: true
AggregateMwi: true
OneTouchRecording: false
Allow: (opus|ulaw)
RewriteContact: false
UserEqPhone: false
RtpEngine: asterisk
NotifyEarlyInuseRinging: false
Auth: 199
DirectMediaGlareMitigation: none
TrustIdInbound: false
BindRtpToMediaAddress: false
DisableDirectMediaOnNat: false
MediaEncryption: dtls
MediaUseReceivedTransport: true
AllowOverlap: true
DtmfMode: rfc4733
TosAudio: 0
DtlsCertFile: /etc/asterisk/keys/asterisk.pem
DtlsSetup: actpass
ConnectedLineMethod: invite
G726NonStandard: false
100rel: yes
Timers: yes
DirectMedia: true
TimersMinSe: 90
TrustIdOutbound: false
SubMinExpiry: 0
RtcpMux: true
MaxVideoStreams: 1
SendPai: false
RtpKeepalive: 0
T38UdptlEc: none
T38UdptlNat: false
AllowTransfer: true
DtlsCaFile: /etc/asterisk/keys/ca.crt
InbandProgress: false
DeviceState: Not in use

Event: AuthDetail
ObjectType: auth
ObjectName: 199
Username: 199
AuthType: userpass
Password: 199199
NonceLifetime: 32
EndpointName: 199

Event: AorDetail
ObjectType: aor
ObjectName: 199
MinimumExpiration: 60
DefaultExpiration: 3600
QualifyTimeout: 3.000000
SupportPath: false
MaxContacts: 1
AuthenticateQualify: false
Contacts: 199/sip:199@;transport=ws;rtcweb-breaker=no
MaximumExpiration: 7200
QualifyFrequency: 0
RemoveExisting: true
TotalContacts: 1
ContactsRegistered: 1
EndpointName: 199

Event: ContactStatusDetail
AOR: 199
URI: sip:199@;transport=ws;rtcweb-breaker=no
UserAgent: IM-client/OMA1.0 sipML5-v1.2016.03.04
RegExpire: 1512048398
ViaAddress: df7jal23ls0d.invalid
CallID: 0ac22a50-8170-19d0-85fd-5e61c133bd00
Status: Unknown
RoundtripUsec: N/A
EndpointName: 199
ID: 199;@29493f07102d24dcb5054982b064d9ee
AuthenticateQualify: 0
QualifyFrequency: 0
QualifyTimeout: 3.000

Event: EndpointDetailComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 4

See also


Lists PJSIP endpoints.

Provides a listing of all endpoints. For each endpoint an EndpointList event is raised that contains relevant attributes and status information. Once all endpoints have been listed an EndpointListComplete event is issued.

Action: PJSIPShowEndpoints


Action: PJSIPShowEndpoints

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: A listing of Endpoints follows, presented as EndpointList events

Event: EndpointList
ObjectType: endpoint
ObjectName: 199
Aor: 199
Auths: 199
Contacts: 199/sip:199@;transport=ws;rtcweb-breaker=no,
DeviceState: Not in use


Event: EndpointListComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 2

See also


Lists ContactStatuses for PJSIP inbound registrations.

In response, ContactStatusDetail events showing status information are raised for each inbound registration (dynamic contact) object. Once all events are completed a ContactStatusDetailComplete event is issued.

Action: PJSIPShowRegistrationInboundContactStatuses


Action: PJSIPShowRegistrationInboundContactStatuses

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Following are ContactStatusEvents for each Inbound registration

Event: ContactStatusDetail
AOR: agent-01
URI: sip:65387014@
UserAgent: Blink 1.4.2 (Linux)
RegExpire: 1512635985
CallID: 8KMuaqrUWGHH1AydWN6uXTCVF0daucTN
Status: Unknown
RoundtripUsec: N/A
EndpointName: agent-01
ID: agent-01;@5aac93d458bbcc990687686b49fa8e45
AuthenticateQualify: 0
QualifyFrequency: 0
QualifyTimeout: 3.000

Event: ContactStatusDetailComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1

See also


Lists PJSIP inbound registrations.

In response, InbooundRegistrationDetail events showing configuration and status information are raised for all contacts, static or dynamic. Once all events are completed an InboundRegistrationDetailComplete is issued.

This command just dumps all configured AORs with contacts, even if the contact is a permanent one. To really get just inbound registrations, use PJSIPShowRegistrationInboundContactStatuses.
Action: PJSIPShowRegistrationsInbound


Action: PJSIPShowRegistrationsInbound

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Following are Events for each Inbound registration

Event: InboundRegistrationDetail
ObjectType: aor
ObjectName: agent-01
MinimumExpiration: 60
DefaultExpiration: 3600
QualifyTimeout: 3.000000
SupportPath: false
MaxContacts: 1
AuthenticateQualify: false
Contact: agent-01/sip:65387014@
MaximumExpiration: 7200
QualifyFrequency: 0
RemoveExisting: true
Contacts: agent-01/sip:65387014@,


Event: InboundRegistrationDetailComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 7

See also


Lists PJSIP outbound registrations.

In response OutboundRegistrationDetail events showing configuration and status information are raised for each outbound registration object. AuthDetail events are raised for each associated auth object as well. Once all events are completed an OutboundRegistrationDetailComplete is issued.

Action: PJSIPShowRegistrationsOutbound

See also


Display settings for configured resource lists.

Provides a listing of all resource lists. An event ResourceListDetail is issued for each resource list object. Once all detail events are completed a ResourceListDetailComplete event is issued.

Action: PJSIPShowResourceLists


  • Error
Action: PJSIPShowResourceLists

Response: Error
Message: No resource lists found

See also


Lists subscriptions.

Provides a listing of all inbound subscriptions. An event InboundSubscriptionDetail is issued for each subscription object. Once all detail events are completed an InoundSubscriptionDetailComplete event is issued.

Action: PJSIPShowSubscriptionsInbound

See also


Lists subscriptions.

Provides a listing of all outbound subscriptions. An event OutboundSubscriptionDetail is issued for each subscription object. Once all detail events are completed an OutboundSubscriptionDetailComplete is issued.

Action: PJSIPShowSubscriptionsOutbound

See also


Unregister an outbound registration.

Unregisters the specified (or all) outbound registration(s) and stops future registration attempts. Call PJSIPRegister to start registratioin and schedule re-registrations according to configuration.

Action: PJSIPUnregister
ActionID: <value>
Registration: <value>
  • Registration : The outbound registration to unregister or "all" to unregister them all.

See also


Play DTMF signal on a specific channel.

Action: PlayDTMF
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Digit: <value>
[Duration:] <value>
  • Channel : Channel name to send digit to.
  • Digit : The DTMF digit to play.
  • Duration : The duration, in milliseconds, of the digit to be played.


Action: PlayDTMF
Channel: SIP/301-00000000
Digit: 5

Response: Success
Message: DTMF successfully queued

See also


Check Presence State

Report the presence state for the given presence provider.

Will return a Presence State message. The response will include the presence state and, if set, a presence subtype and custom message.

Action: PresenceState
ActionID: <value>
Provider: <value>
  • Provider : Presence Provider to check the state of.



Action: PresenceState

Response: Error
Message: No provider specified

See also


List the current known presence states.

This will list out all known presence states in a sequence of PresenceStateChange events. When finished, a PresenceStateListComplete event will be emitted.

Action: PresenceStateList
ActionID: <value>


Action: PresenceStateList

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Presence State Changes will follow

Event: PresenceStateListComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 0

See also


Set the file used for PRI debug message output.

Equivalent to the CLI command "pri set debug file <output-file>"

Action: PRIDebugFileSet
ActionID: <value>
File: <value>
  • File : Path of tile to write debug output.

See also


Disables file output for PRI debug messages.

Action: PRIDebugFileUnset
ActionID: <value>

See also


Set PRI debug levels for a span.

Equivalent to the CLI command "pri set debug <level> span ".

Action: PRIDebugSet
ActionID: <value>
Span: <value>
Level: <value>
  • Span : Which span to affect.
  • Level : What debug level to set. May be a numerical value or a text value from the list below.

See also


Show status of PRI spans.

Similar to the CLI command "pri show spans".

Action: PRIShowSpans
ActionID: <value>
Span: <value>
  • Span : Specify the specific span to show. Show all spans if zero or not present.

See also


Add interface to queue.

Action: QueueAdd
ActionID: <value>
Queue: <value>
Interface: <value>
Penalty: <value>
Paused: <value>
MemberName: <value>
StateInterface: <value>
  • Queue : Queue name
  • Interface : Queue에 추가하고자 하는 멤버(Channel) 이름(tech/name).
  • Penalty : 초기 설정 Penalty 값
  • Paused : Paused 설정(true/false 혹은 1/0)
  • MemberName : Interface 별명.
  • StateInterface : 멤버 State 를 받아오는 device 혹은 Channel 정보.


Action: QueueAdd
Queue: sales_1
Interface: sip/agent-01
MemberName: sip/agent-01

Response: Success
Message: Added interface to queue


Adds custom entry in queue_log

Action: QueueLog
ActionID: <value>
Queue: <value>
Event: <value>
Uniqueid: <value>
Interface: <value>
Message: <value>



Action: QueueLog
Queue: sales_1
Event: QueueCallerJoin
Message: QueueLog action test

Response: Success
Message: Event added successfully

이후, /var/log/asterisk/queue_log 파일을 확인하면 해당 큐에 지정한 이벤트 발생시, 추가된 로그 내용을 확인할 수 있다.

$ cat /var/log/asterisk/queue_log
1500030788|NONE|sales_1||QueueCallerJoin|QueueLog action test

See also


Set the ringinuse value for a queue member.

Action: QueueMemberRingInUse
ActionID: <value>
Interface: <value>
RingInUse: <value>
Queue: <value>


Action: QueueMemberRingInUse
Interface: sip/agent-03
RingInUse: 1
Queue: sales_1

Response: Success
Message: Interface ringinuse set successfully

Event: QueueMemberRinginuse
Privilege: agent,all
Queue: sales_1
MemberName: sip/agent-03
Interface: sip/agent-03
Ringinuse: 1
Status: 1
StateInterface: sip/agent-03
Membership: dynamic
Penalty: 0
LastCall: 0
CallsTaken: 0
LastPause: 0
InCall: 0
Paused: 0

See also


큐에 설정된 멤버(Channel)을 일시적 사용불가/사용가능 상태로 변경한다.

Action: QueuePause
ActionID: <value>
Interface: <value>
Paused: <value>
Queue: <value>
Reason: <value>
  • Interface : 사용가능/불가 상태로 지정하고자 하는 채널 혹은 인터페이스(tech/name)
  • Paused : "true": 사용불가, "false" : 사용가능
  • Queue : paused/unpaused 하고자 하는 큐 이름. 만약 지정하지 않으면, 해당 멤버(Channel)이 속한 모든 큐에서 paused/unpaused 를 하게 된다.
  • Reason : Description. QueueMemberPaused 이벤트에 설정되게 된다.


Action: QueuePause
Interface: sip/agent-03
Paused: 1
Queue: sales_1
Reason: test queue pause set 1

Response: Success
Message: Interface paused successfully

Event: DeviceStateChange
Privilege: call,all
Device: Queue:sales_1_pause_sip/agent-03
State: INUSE

Event: QueueMemberPause
Privilege: agent,all
Queue: sales_1
MemberName: sip/agent-03
Interface: sip/agent-03
Reason: test queue pause set 1
Ringinuse: 1
Status: 1
StateInterface: sip/agent-03
Membership: dynamic
Penalty: 0
LastCall: 0
CallsTaken: 0
LastPause: 1500031553
InCall: 0
Paused: 1
PausedReason: test queue pause set 1

See also


큐 멤버의 패널티를 설정한다.

Action: QueuePenalty
ActionID: <value>
Interface: <value>
Penalty: <value>
Queue: <value>
  • Interface : 패널티를 수정하고자 하는 멤버(Channel) 이름(tech/name).
  • Penalty : 설정하고자 하는 패널티 값. 단, 음수를 설정할수는 없다.
  • Queue : 패널티를 설정하고자하는 큐 이름. 만약 지정하지 않으면, 해당 멤버(Channel)이 속한 모든 큐에서 패널티 값을 수정하게 된다.


Action: QueuePenalty
interface: sip/agent-01
Penalty: 10
Queue: sales_1
ActionId: f712036e-03e3-11e7-80d0-9fe5b014f295

Response: Success
ActionID: f712036e-03e3-11e7-80d0-9fe5b014f295
Message: Interface penalty set successfully

See also


Queue를 reload한다. 하나 혹은 다수 Queue 또는 큐의 하위 섹션들을 reload 한다.

Action: QueueReload
ActionID: <value>
Queue: <value>
Members: <value>
Rules: <value>
Parameters: <value>
  • Queue : reload 하고자 하는 큐 이름. 만약 지정하지 않으면, 모든 큐에 대해 reload가 수행된다.
  • Members : Queue 의 멤버들의 reload 여부.
  • Rules : queuerules.conf 파일의 reload 여부.
  • Parameters : 다른 Queue 옵션들의 reload 여부.


Action: QueueReload
Queue: sales_1

Response: Success
Message: Queue reloaded successfully

See also


Queue 에서 해당 멤버(Channel)를 삭제한다.

Action: QueueRemove
ActionID: <value>
Queue: <value>
Interface: <value>
  • Queue : Queue name
  • Interface : 삭제하고자 하는 멤버(Channel) 이름(tech/name)


Action: QueueRemove
Queue: sales_1
Interface: sip/agent-01
ActionId: 761fde72-03e6-11e7-9452-8b21cf5e8798

Response: Success
ActionID: 761fde72-03e6-11e7-9452-8b21cf5e8798
Message: Removed interface from queue

See also


Queue 관련 통계를 초기화한다.

Action: QueueReset
ActionID: <value>
Queue: <value>
  • Queue : Queue name


No queue name

Action: QueueReset

Response: Success
Message: Queue stats reset successfully

Queue specified

Action: QueueReset
Queue: sales_1

Response: Success
Message: Queue stats reset successfully

See also


queuerules.conf 에 설정된 Queue Rule 을 보여준다.

Action: QueueRule
ActionID: <value>
Rule: <value>
  • Rule : queuerules.conf 파일에 설정되어 있는 Rule 이름.


Action: QueueRule

Response: Success

See also


Show queues information.

Action: Queues


Action: Queues

sales_1 has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'ringall' strategy (0s holdtime, 0s talktime), W:0, C:0, A:0, SL:0.0% within 5s
      sip/agent-02 (ringinuse enabled) (dynamic) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
      sip/agent-03 (ringinuse enabled) (dynamic) (paused:test queue pause set 1 was 1500032097 secs ago) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
      sip/agent-01 (ringinuse enabled) (dynamic) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
      test (ringinuse enabled) (dynamic) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
      Agent/10001 (ringinuse enabled) (Invalid) has taken no calls yet
   No Callers

See also


Queue/Member(Channel) 의 현재 상태 정보를 확인한다. 입력된 Queue/Member(Channel) 항목이 없다면 현재 활성화된 전체 Queue/Member(Channel) 의 상태 정보를 리턴한다.

Action: QueueStatus
ActionID: <value>
Queue: <value>
Member: <value>
  • Queue - 확인하고자 하는 Queue name.
  • Member - 확인하고자 하는 멤버(Channel) 이름


Action: QueueStatus
Queue: Camp200
ActionID: 001

Response: Success
ActionID: 001
Message: Queue status will follow

Event: QueueParams
Queue: Camp200
Max: 0
Strategy: ringall
Calls: 0
Holdtime: 0
TalkTime: 0
Completed: 0
Abandoned: 0
ServiceLevel: 0
ServicelevelPerf: 0.0
Weight: 100
ActionID: 001

Event: QueueMember
Queue: Camp200
Name: user1
Location: Local/200@DialCamp
Membership: static
Penalty: 0
CallsTaken: 0
LastCall: 0
Status: 5
Paused: 0
ActionID: 001

Event: QueueEntry
Queue: Camp200
Position: 1
Channel: SIP/test-201-00000001
Uniqueid: 1447837150.7
CallerIDNum: 201
CallerIDName: user 2
ConnectedLineNum: unknown
ConnectedLineName: unknown
Wait: 16

Event: QueueStatusComplete
ActionID: 001

See also


Queue의 간략 상태를 표시한다. Queue name 을 지정하지 않을 경우, 모든 Queue 의 Summary 를 표시한다.

Action: QueueSummary
ActionID: <value>
[Queue]: <value>
  • Queue : Queue name

Response message


Action: QueueSummary

Response: Success
Message: Queue summary will follow

Event: QueueSummary
Queue: Camp200
LoggedIn: 1
Available: 1
Callers: 0
HoldTime: 0
TalkTime: 3
LongestHoldTime: 0


Event: QueueSummaryComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 3

See also


채널을 지정된 dialplan 으로 redirect(transfer)한다. 즉, 채널 넘겨주기.

Action: Redirect
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Exten: <value>
Context: <value>
Priority: <value>
ExtraChannel: <value>
ExtraExten: <value>
ExtraContext: <value>
ExtraPriority: <value>
  • Channel - 넘겨주고자 하는 채널.
  • Exten - 채널을 넘겨받게 되는 Extension.
  • Context - 넘겨받게 되는 Context.
  • Priority - 념겨받게 되는 채널의 Priority.
  • ExtraChannel - 추가로 같이 넘겨주고자 하는 채널(optional).
  • ExtraExten - ExtraChannel 을 넘겨받게 되는 Extension(optional).
  • ExtraContext - ExtraChannel 을 넘겨받게 되는 Context(optional).
  • ExtraPriority - 넘겨받게 되는 ExtraChannel 의 Priority(optional).


Action: Redirect
Channel: SIP/301-0000000d
Exten: 4002
Context: demo
Priority: 1

Response: Success
Message: Redirect successful

See also


Send a reload request.

Action: Reload
ActionID: <value>
Module: <value>
  • Module : Name of the module to reload.


Action: Reload
Module: chan_sip

Response: Success
Message: Module Reloaded

Event: Reload
Privilege: system,all
Module: chan_sip
Status: 0

See also


Send text message to channel.

Sends A Text Message to a channel while in a call.

Action: SendText
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Message: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : Channel to send message to.
  • Message : Message to send.

Asterisk 에는 메시지 수신을 위한 ReceiveText 가 없다. 하지만 AGI 를 이용하면 메시지 수신이 가능하다.

print STDERR "1. Testing 'sendtext'...";
print "SEND TEXT \"hello world\"\n";
my $result = <STDIN>;

print STDERR "2. Receiving Text 'receivetext'...";
print "RECEIVE TEXT 3000\n";
my $result = <STDIN>;


Action: SendText
Channel: SIP/300-00000003
Message: Test message

Response: Success
Message: Success

See also


Sets a channel variable or function value.

This command can be used to set the value of channel variables or dialplan functions.

If a channel name is not provided then the variable is considered global.
채널 이름을 지정하지 않으면, global 변수로 간주한다.
Action: Setvar
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Variable: <value>
Value: <value>
  • Channel : Channel to set variable for.
  • Variable : Variable name, function or expression.
  • Value : Variable or function value.


Action: Setvar
Variable: Setvar global test key
Value: Setvar global test value

Response: Success
Message: Variable Set

Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
Channel: none
Uniqueid: none
Variable: Setvar global test key
Value: Setvar global test value

See also


Show dialplan contexts and extensions.

Show dialplan contexts and extensions. Be aware that showing the full dialplan may take a lot of capacity.

Action: ShowDialPlan
ActionID: <value>
Extension: <value>
Context: <value>
  • Extension : Show a specific extension.
  • Context : Show a specific context.


Action: ShowDialPlan
Extension: 4000
Context: demo

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: DialPlan list will follow

Event: ListDialplan
Context: demo
Extension: 4000
Priority: 1
Application: Goto
AppData: sample_musiconhold,s,1
Registrar: pbx_config


Event: ShowDialPlanComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 8
ListExtensions: 2
ListPriorities: 8
ListContexts: 2

See also


Send a SIP notify.

Send a SIP Notify event.

All parameters for this event must be specified in the body of this request via multiple Variable: name=value sequences.

Action: SIPnotify
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
Variable: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Channel - Peer to receive the notify.
  • Variable - At least one variable pair must be specified. name=value



Action: SIPnotify
Variable: SIPnotify_key1=SIPnotify_val1

Response: Success
Message: Notify Sent

이후, Asterisk Server 에서 sip 메시지 내용을 확인하면 NOTIFY 를 전송한 것을 확인할 수 있다.

Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '52a10f2b47853ad54bf97ccf4bd5202f@' in 32000 ms (Method: NOTIFY)
Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6f632b19
Max-Forwards: 70
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as08c857d4
To: <>
Contact: <sip:asterisk@>
Call-ID: 52a10f2b47853ad54bf97ccf4bd5202f@
CSeq: 102 NOTIFY
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 14.3.0
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2017 12:25:36 GMT
Supported: replaces, timer
Subscription-State: terminated
SIPnotify_key1: SIPnotify_val1
Content-Length: 0

See also


현재 등록되어 있는 모든 SIP peer 를 보여준다.

Action: SIPpeers
ActionID: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.


Action: SIPpeers

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Peer status list will follow

Event: PeerEntry
Channeltype: SIP
ObjectName: 200
ChanObjectType: peer
IPaddress: -none-
IPport: 0
Dynamic: yes
AutoForcerport: yes
Forcerport: no
AutoComedia: no
Comedia: no
VideoSupport: no
TextSupport: no
ACL: no
Status: Unmonitored
RealtimeDevice: no


Event: PeerlistComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 12

See also


지정된 SIP peer 의 status 를 확인한다.

만약 SIP peer 를 지정하지 않을 경우, 모든 SIP peer 의 status 를 돌려준다.

정상적인 sip peer status 를 확인하기 위해서는 sip.conf 에서 해당 peer 의 설정에 qualify=yes 옵션을 설정해주어야 한다. 만약 qualify=yes 옵션을 설정하지 않을 경우, status 는 "Unmonitored" 라고 표시된다.

Action: SIPpeerstatus
ActionID: <value>
[Peer:] <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Peer - The peer name you want to check.


  • qualify 설정 전.
Action: SIPpeerstatus
Peer: SIP/300

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Peer status will follow

Event: PeerStatus
Privilege: System
ChannelType: SIP
Peer: SIP/300
PeerStatus: Unmonitored

Event: SIPpeerstatusComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1
  • qualify 설정 후.
Action: SIPpeerstatus
Peer: SIP/300

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Peer status will follow

Event: PeerStatus
Privilege: System
ChannelType: SIP
Peer: SIP/300
PeerStatus: Unknown

Event: SIPpeerstatusComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1

See also


Qualify SIP peers.

Action: SIPqualifypeer
ActionID: <value>
Peer: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Peer - The peer name you want to qualify.


Action: SIPqualifypeer
Peer: 300

Response: Success
Message: SIP peer found - will qualify

Event: SIPQualifyPeerDone
Privilege: call,all
Peer: 300

See also


Show one SIP peer with details on current status.

Action: SIPshowpeer
ActionID: <value>
Peer: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.
  • Peer - The peer name you want to check.


Action: SIPshowpeer
Peer: 300

Response: Success
Channeltype: SIP
ObjectName: 300
ChanObjectType: peer
SecretExist: Y
RemoteSecretExist: N
MD5SecretExist: N
Context: public
ToneZone: <Not set>
AMAflags: Unknown
CID-CallingPres: Presentation Allowed, Not Screened
Named Callgroup: 
Named Pickupgroup: 
TransferMode: open
LastMsgsSent: 0
Maxforwards: 0
Call-limit: 2147483647
Busy-level: 0
MaxCallBR: 384 kbps
Dynamic: Y
Callerid: "" <>
RegExpire: 548 seconds
SIP-AuthInsecure: no
SIP-Forcerport: a
SIP-Comedia: N
SIP-CanReinvite: Y
SIP-DirectMedia: Y
SIP-PromiscRedir: N
SIP-UserPhone: N
SIP-VideoSupport: N
SIP-TextSupport: N
SIP-T.38Support: N
SIP-T.38EC: Unknown
SIP-T.38MaxDtgrm: 4294967295
SIP-Sess-Timers: Accept
SIP-Sess-Refresh: uas
SIP-Sess-Expires: 1800
SIP-Sess-Min: 90
SIP-RTP-Engine: asterisk
SIP-Encryption: N
SIP-DTMFmode: rfc2833
Address-Port: 36583
Default-addr-IP: (null)
Default-addr-port: 0
Default-Username: 89472105
Codecs: (ulaw|alaw|gsm|h263)
Status: OK (25 ms)
SIP-Useragent: Blink 1.4.2 (Linux)
Reg-Contact: sip:89472105@
QualifyFreq: 60000 ms
SIP-Use-Reason-Header: N

See also


현재 등록된 SIP registry 목록을 보여준다.

Lists all registration requests and status. Registrations will follow as separate events followed by a final event called RegistrationsComplete.

Action: SIPshowregistry
ActionID: <value>


Action: SIPshowregistry

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Registrations will follow

Event: RegistryEntry
Port: 5060
Username: test_register
DomainPort: 5060
Refresh: 105
State: Request Sent
RegistrationTime: 1447519599

Event: RegistrationsComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1

See also


List SKINNY devices (text format).

List Skinny devices in text format with details on current status. Devicelist will follow as separate events, followed by a final event called DevicelistComplete.

Action: SKINNYdevices
ActionID: <value>


Action: SKINNYdevices

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Device status list will follow

Event: DevicelistComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 0

See also


List SKINNY lines (text format).

Lists Skinny lines in text format with details on current status. Linelist will follow as separate events, followed by a final event called LinelistComplete.

Action: SKINNYlines
ActionID: <value>


Empty lists

Action: SKINNYlines

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Line status list will follow

Event: LinelistComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 0

See also


Show SKINNY device (text format).

Show one SKINNY device with details on current status.

Action: SKINNYshowdevice
ActionID: <value>
Device: <value>
  • Device : The device name you want to check.

See also


Show SKINNY line (text format).

Show one SKINNY line with details on current status.

Action: SKINNYshowline
ActionID: <value>
Line: <value>
  • Line : The line name you want to check.

See also


Expire (remove) All objects from a sorcery memory cache.

Action: SorceryMemoryCacheExpire
ActionID: <value>
Cache: <value>
  • Cache : The name of the cache to expire all objects from.

See also


Expire (remove) an object from a sorcery memory cache.

Action: SorceryMemoryCacheExpireObject
ActionID: <value>
Cache: <value>
Object: <value>
  • Cache : The name of the cache to expire the object from.
  • Object : The name of the object to expire.

See also


Expire all objects from a memory cache and populate it with all objects from the backend.

Action: SorceryMemoryCachePopulate
ActionID: <value>
Cache: <value>
  • Cache : The name of the cache to popluate.

See also


Marks ALL objects in a sorcery memory cache as stale.

Action: SorceryMemoryCacheStale
ActionID: <value>
Cache: <value>
  • Cache : The name of the cache to mark all object as stale in.

See also


Mark an object in a sorcery memory cache as stale.

Action: SorceryMemoryCacheStaleObject
ActionID: <value>
Cache: <value>
Object: <value>
[Reload:] <value>
  • Cache : The name of the cache to mark the object as stale in.
  • Object : The name of the object to mark as stale.
  • Reload : If true, then immediately reload the object from the backend cache instead of waiting for the next retrieval.

See also


List channel status.

Will return the status information of each channel along with the value for the specified channel variables.

Action: Status
ActionID: <value>
[Channel:] <value>
Variables: <value>
AllVariables: <value>
  • ActionID
  • Channel : The name of the channel to query for status.
  • Variables : Comma(,) separated list of variable to include.
  • AllVariables : If set to "true", the Status event will include all channel variables for the requested channel(s).

Response message


Action: Status
AllVariables: true
ActionID: a6519095-0c70-42ec-a013-ead0cae59401

Response: Success
ActionID: a6519095-0c70-42ec-a013-ead0cae59401
EventList: start
Message: Channel status will follow

Event: Status
Privilege: Call
Channel: SIP/300-0000000c
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 300
CallerIDName: <unknown>
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: sample_park
Exten: s
Priority: 2
Uniqueid: 1481806671.27
Linkedid: 1481806671.27
Type: SIP
DNID: 4001
EffectiveConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
EffectiveConnectedLineName: <unknown>
TimeToHangup: 0
BridgeID: 299de6ea-1dc7-4144-9e46-d6513723333e
Linkedid: 1481806671.27
Application: Park
Nativeformats: (ulaw)
Readformat: ulaw
Writeformat: gsm
Writetrans: (gsm@8000)->(slin@8000)->(ulaw@8000)
Callgroup: 0
Pickupgroup: 0
Seconds: 2
Variable: SIPURI=sip:300@
ActionID: a6519095-0c70-42ec-a013-ead0cae59401

Event: StatusComplete
ActionID: a6519095-0c70-42ec-a013-ead0cae59401
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 1
Items: 1

See also


Stop recording a call through MixMonitor, and free the recording's file handle.

This action stops the audio recording that was started with the MixMonitor action on the current channel.

Action: StopMixMonitor
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
[MixMonitorID:] <value>
  • Channel : The name of the channel monitored.
  • MixMonitorID : If a valid ID is provided, then this command will stop only that specific MixMonitor.

See also


Stop monitoring a channel.

This action may be used to end a previously started 'Monitor' action.

Action: StopMonitor
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
  • Channel : The name of the channel monitored.

See also


Unpause monitoring of a channel.

This action may be used to re-enable recording of a channel after calling PauseMonitor.

Action: UnpauseMonitor
ActionID: <value>
Channel: <value>
  • Channel : Used to specify the channel to record.

See also


Update basic configuration.

This action will modify, create, or delete configuration elements in Asterisk configuration files.

Action: UpdateConfig
ActionID: <value>
SrcFilename: <value>
DstFilename: <value>
Reload: <value>
PreserveEffectiveContext: <value>
Action-000000: <value>
Cat-000000: <value>
Var-000000: <value>
Value-000000: <value>
Match-000000: <value>
Line-000000: <value>
Options-000000: <value>
  • SrcFilename : Configuration filename to read (e.g. foo.conf).
  • DstFilename : Configuration filename to write (e.g. foo.conf).
  • Reload : Whether or not a reload should take place (or name of specific module).
  • PreserveEffectiveContext : Whether the effective category contents should be preserved on template change. Default is true.
  • Action-000000 : Action to take. 0's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000.
NewCat : 지정된 카테고리를 새로 생성한다.
RenameCat : 지정된 카테고리의 이름을 변경한다.
DelCat : 지정된 카테고리를 삭제한다.
EmptyCat : 지정된 카테고리의 내용을 비운다.
Update : 지정된 카테고리/아이템 의 내용을 변경한다.
Delete : 지정된 카테고리/아이템 의 내용을 삭제한다.
Append : 지정된 카테고리/아이템 에 value 를 추가한다.
Insert : 지정된 카테고리/아이템/라인 에 value 를 추가한다.
  • Cat-000000 : Category to perate on. 0's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000.
  • Var-000000 : Variable to work on. 0's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000.
  • Value-000000 : Value to work on. 0's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000.
  • Match-000000 : Extra match required to match line. 0's represent 6 digit number beginning with 000000.
  • Line-000000 : Line in category to operate on (used with delete and insert actions).
  • Options-000000 : A comma separated list of action-specific options.


Action: UpdateConfig
SrcFilename: voicemail.conf
DstFilename: voicemail.conf
Reload: false
Action-000000: Append
Cat-000000: vm-demo
Var-000000: 6002
Value-000000: 9271,Bob Smith,,,attach=yes|tz=eastern

Response: Success

See also


Send an arbitrary event.

Send an event to manager sessions.

Action: UserEvent
ActionID: <value>
UserEvent: <value>
Header1: <value>
HeaderN: <value>
  • UserEvent : Event string to send.
  • Header1 : Content 1
  • HeaderN : Content N

See also


Tell Asterisk to poll mailboxes for a change.

Normally, MWI indicators are only sent when Asterisk itself changes a mailbox. With external programs that modify the content of a mailbox from outside the application, an option exists called pollmailboxes that will cause voicemail to continually scan all mailboxes on a system for changes. This can cause a large amount of load on a system.

This command allows external applications to signal when a particular mailbox has changed, thus permitting external applications to modify mailboxes and MWI to work without introducing considerable CPU load.

If Context is not specified, all mailboxes on the system will be polled for changes. If Context is specified, but Mailbox is omitted, then all mailboxes within Context will be polled. Otherwise, only a single mailbox will be polled for changes.

Action: VoicemailRefresh
ActionID: <value>
Context: <value>
Mailbox: <value>
  • Context
  • Mailbox


Action: VoicemailRefresh
Context: vm-demo
Mailbox: agent-01

Response: Success
Message: Refresh sent

See also


List All Voicemail User Information.

Action: VoicemailUsersList
ActionID: <value>


Action: VoicemailUsersList

Response: Success
EventList: start
Message: Voicemail user list will follow

Event: VoicemailUserEntry
VMContext: default
VoiceMailbox: 1234
Fullname: Example Mailbox
Email: root@localhost
ServerEmail: asterisk
MailCommand: /usr/sbin/sendmail -t
SayDurationMinimum: 2
SayEnvelope: Yes
SayCID: No
AttachMessage: Yes
DeleteMessage: No
VolumeGain: 0.00
CanReview: No
CallOperator: No
MaxMessageCount: 100
MaxMessageLength: 0
NewMessageCount: 6


Event: VoicemailUserEntryComplete
EventList: Complete
ListItems: 8

See also


Wait for an event to occur.

This action will elicit a Success response. Whenever a manager event is queued. Once WaitEvent has been called on an HTTP manager session, events will be generated and queued.

Action: WaitEvent
ActionID: <value>
Timeout: <value>
  • Timeout : Maximum time (in seconds) to wait for events, -1 means forever.

See also

See also


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