Asterisk-res parking.conf

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Asterisk res_parking.conf 내용 정리


;parkeddynamic = yes            ; Enables dynamically created parkinglots. (default is no)
                                ; If the option is enabled then the following
                                ; variables can be used to dynamically create
                                ; new parking lots.
                                ; The PARKINGDYNAMIC variable specifies the
                                ; parking lot to use as a template to create
                                ; a dynamic parking lot.  It is an error to
                                ; specify a non-existent parking lot for the
                                ; template.  If not set then the default
                                ; parking lot is used as the template.
                                ; The PARKINGDYNCONTEXT variable specifies
                                ; the dialplan context to use for the newly
                                ; created dynamic parking lot.  If not set
                                ; then the context from the parking lot
                                ; template is used.  The context is created
                                ; if it does not already exist and the new
                                ; parking lot needs to create extensions.
                                ; The PARKINGDYNEXTEN variable specifies the
                                ; parkext to use for the newly created dynamic
                                ; parking lot.  If not set then the parkext
                                ; is used from the parking lot template.  If
                                ; the template does not specify a parkext
                                ; then no extensions are created for the
                                ; newly created parking lot.  The dynamic
                                ; parking lot cannot be created if it needs
                                ; to create extensions that overlap existing
                                ; parking lot extensions.  The only exception
                                ; to this is for the parkext extension and
                                ; only if neither of the overlaping parking
                                ; lot's parkext is exclusive.
                                ; The PARKINGDYNPOS variable specifies the
                                ; parking positions to use for the newly
                                ; created dynamic parking lot.  If not set
                                ; then the parkpos from the parking lot
                                ; template is used.

; A parking lot named 'default' will automatically be used when no other
; named parking lot is indicated for use by the park application or a
; channel's parkinglot function and PARKINGLOT channel variable. This parking
; lot is guaranteed to exist and will be created even if default is left out of
; the configuration file.


[default]                       ; Default Parking Lot
parkext => 700                  ; What extension to dial to park. (optional; if
                                ; specified, extensions will be created for parkext and
                                ; the whole range of parkpos)
                                ; Note: Generated parking extensions cannot overlap.
                                ; The only exception is if neither overlapping parkext
                                ; is exclusive.

;parkext_exclusive=yes          ; Specify that the parkext created for this parking lot
                                ; will only access this parking lot. (default is no)

parkpos => 701-720              ; What range of parking spaces to use - must be numeric
                                ; Creates these spaces as extensions if parkext is set.
                                ; Since this value is interpreted numerically, leading 0's
                                ; will be ignored (so expect 00700-00720 to map to 700-720)

context => parkedcalls          ; Which context parked calls and the default park

;parkinghints = no              ; Add hints priorities automatically for parkpos
                                ; extensions if parkext is set

;parkingtime => 45              ; Number of seconds a call can be parked before returning

;comebacktoorigin = yes         ; Setting this option configures the behavior of call parking when the
                                ; parked call times out (See the parkingtime option).  The default value is 'yes'.
                                ; 'yes' - When the parked call times out, attempt to send the call back to the peer
                                ;         that parked this call. This is done by saving off the name of the channel
                                ;         that parked the call. The call will return to the context 'park-dial' and
                                ;         an extension created based on the name of the channel that originally parked
                                ;         the call.  This extension will be created automatically to do a Dial() to the
                                ;         device that originally parked the call for comebacktodialtime seconds. If the
                                ;         call is not answered, the call will proceed to the next priority (usually none
                                ;         unless you deliberately set up a catch-all second priority in the park-call
                                ;         context) in the dialplan for extension matching the peer name (same as how
                                ;         peer names are flattened into extensions when comebacktoorigin is 'no').
                                ; 'no'  - This option is useful for performing custom dialplan functionality prior to
                                ;         sending the call back to the extension that initially parked the call, or to
                                ;         an entirely different destination.
                                ;         When the parked call times out, send it back to the dialplan.  The location
                                ;         will be defined by the comebackcontext option. The extension will be built from
                                ;         the saved channel name that parked the call. For example, if a SIP peer named
                                ;         '0004F2040001' parked this call, the extension will be 'SIP_0004F2040001'.
                                ;         (Note that an underscore is used here because the '/' character has a special
                                ;         meaning in extension names for CallerID matching.)  If this extension does not
                                ;         exist, the call will be sent to the 's' extension, instead.  Finally, if the 's'
                                ;         extension of 'parkedcallstimeout' does not exist, the call will fall back to the
                                ;         's' extension of the 'default' context.
                                ;         Additionally, in this example an extension of 'SIP_0004F2040001' will be
                                ;         created in the 'park-dial' context.  This extension will be set up to do a
                                ;         Dial() to 'SIP/0004F2040001'.
                                ; During the timeout procedure, the following variables are set
                                ; PARKINGSLOT - extension that the call was parked in prior to timing out
                                ; PARKEDLOT - name of the lot that the call was parked in prior to timing out
                                ; PARKER - dial string to call the device that parked the call

;comebackdialtime = 30          ; When a parked call times out, this is the number of seconds to dial the device that
                                ; originally parked the call.  It is also available as a channel variable COMEBACKDIALTIME
                                ; after a parked call has timed out.
                                ; The default value is 30 seconds.

;comebackcontext = parkedcallstimeout
                                ; The context a timed out call will return to if comebcktoorigin=no.
                                ; The default value is 'parkedcallstimeout'.

;courtesytone = beep            ; Sound file to play to when someone picks up a parked call
                                ; and also when the Touch Monitor is activated/deactivated.
                                ; Default is no tone.

;parkedplay = caller            ; Who to play courtesytone to when picking up a parked call.
                                ; One of: parked, caller, both  (default is caller)

;parkedcalltransfers = caller   ; Enables or disables DTMF based transfers when picking up a parked call.
                                ; one of: callee, caller, both, no (default is no)

;parkedcallreparking = caller   ; Enables or disables DTMF based parking when picking up a parked call.
                                ; one of: callee, caller, both, no (default is no)

;parkedcallhangup = caller      ; Enables or disables DTMF based hangups when picking up a parked call.
                                ; one of: callee, caller, both, no (default is no)

;findslot => next               ; Sets the method for selecting parking spaces when a call is parked
                                ; 'next' - use the next parking space from the most recently used one.
                                ; 'first' - use the lowest numbered parking space available

;parkedmusicclass = default     ; This is the MOH class to use for the parked channel
                                ; as long as the class is not set on the channel directly
                                ; using Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the dialplan

Another parking lot

;*** Define another parking lot
; The parkinglot used can be set with the CHANNEL(parkinglot) dialplan function or by
; setting the 'parkinglot' configuration for a channel in its configuration file.
; Parking lots can now be any named configuration category aside from
; 'general' which is reserved for general options. They no longer need to be
; prefixed with 'parkinglot_'
;context => edvina_park
;parkpos => 800-850
;findslot => next
;comebacktoorigin = no
;comebackdialtime = 90
;comebackcontext = edvinapark-timeout
;parkedmusicclass = edvina
; Since edvina doesn't define parkext, extensions won't automatically be
; created for parking to it or for retrieving calls from it. These can be
; created manually in the dial plan by using the Park and ParkedCall
; applications.