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Asterisk queues.conf 파일 설정 내용 정리


[general]섹션은 Queue의 기본 동작 설정과 전역 옵션을 설정한다.

; Global settings for call queues
; Persistent Members
;    Store each dynamic member in each queue in the astdb so that
;    when asterisk is restarted, each member will be automatically
;    read into their recorded queues. Default is 'no'.
persistentmembers = yes
; AutoFill Behavior
;    The old behavior of the queue (autofill=no) is to have a serial type behavior
;    in that the queue will make all waiting callers wait in the queue
;    even if there is more than one available member ready to take
;    calls until the head caller is connected with the member they
;    were trying to get to. The next waiting caller in line then
;    becomes the head caller, and they are then connected with the
;    next available member and all available members and waiting callers
;    waits while this happens. The new behavior, enabled by setting
;    autofill=yes makes sure that when the waiting callers are connecting
;    with available members in a parallel fashion until there are
;    no more available members or no more waiting callers. This is
;    probably more along the lines of how a queue should work and
;    in most cases, you will want to enable this behavior. If you
;    do not specify or comment out this option, it will default to yes.
;autofill = no
; Monitor Type
;    By setting monitor-type = MixMonitor, when specifying monitor-format
;    to enable recording of queue member conversations, app_queue will
;    now use the new MixMonitor application instead of Monitor so
;    the concept of "joining/mixing" the in/out files now goes away
;    when this is enabled. You can set the default type for all queues
;    here, and then also change monitor-type for individual queues within
;    queue by using the same configuration parameter within a queue
;    configuration block. If you do not specify or comment out this option,
;    it will default to the old 'Monitor' behavior to keep backward
;    compatibility.
monitor-type = MixMonitor
; UpdateCDR behavior.
;    This option is implemented to mimic chan_agents behavior of populating
;    CDR dstchannel field of a call with an agent name, which you can set
;    at the login time with AddQueueMember membername parameter.
; updatecdr = no

; Note that a timeout to fail out of a queue may be passed as part of
; an application call from extensions.conf:
; Queue(queuename,[options],[optionalurl],[announceoverride],[timeout])
; example: Queue(dave,t,,,45)

; shared_lastcall will make the lastcall and calls received be the same in
; members logged in more than one queue.  This is useful to make the queue
; respect the wrapuptime of another queue for a shared member.
; The default value is no.
; Negative_penalty_invalid will treat members with a negative penalty as logged off
;negative_penalty_invalid = no
; log_membername_as_agent will cause app_queue to log the membername rather than
; the interface for the ADDMEMBER and REMOVEMEMBER events when a state_interface
; is set.  The default value (no) maintains backward compatibility.
;log_membername_as_agent = no


; Persistent Members
;    Store each dynamic member in each queue in the astdb so that
;    when asterisk is restarted, each member will be automatically
;    read into their recorded queues. Default is 'no'.
persistentmembers = yes

동적으로 Queue에 멤버들을 영구적으로 추가시킨다. 영구 추가된 멤버들 정보는 astdb에 저장되며 Asterisk 재시작 후에도 자동으로 Queue 에 추가가 된다.


autofill=yes    ; distribute all waiting callers to available members

autofill 옵션은 큐에 대기중인 콜들이 있고, 현재 가용한 상담원이 있다면, 그 즉시 콜을 상담원으로 분배하게 하는 옵션이다. 어찌보면 당연한 옵션이지만, 예전 버전의 Asterisk 에서는 한번에 한콜씩만 상담원에게 분배가 되었었다. 무슨 말인가 하면, 콜 하나가 상담원에게 완전히 분배가 완료될 때 까지, 다른 콜들은 대기해야만 했었다는 뜻이다. 작은 규모의 시스템이라면 문제가 아니었겠지만, 시스템의 크기가 커질 수록 병목현상이 생기는 건 당연했다. 특별한 일이 없다면 반드시 yes 로 설정해야 한다.


shared_lastcall=yes    ; respect the wrapup time for members logged into more
                       ; than one queue

상담원이 하나 이상의 큐에 대기하고 있는 경우, 서로 다른 큐에서 동시에 콜이 오게되어 한번에 두 개 이상의 콜이 쌓이는 현상이 있을 수 있다. 이런 경우, shared_lastcall 을 설정하게 되면 남게되는 콜을 다른 상담원들과 공유하게 할 수 있다.


실제로 각각의 큐(Queue) 를 등록하는 부분이다.

; A sample call queue
; Musicclass sets which music applies for this particular call queue.
; The only class which can override this one is if the MOH class is set
; directly on the channel using Set(CHANNEL(musicclass)=whatever) in the
; dialplan.
;musicclass = default
; An announcement may be specified which is played for the member as
; soon as they answer a call, typically to indicate to them which queue
; this call should be answered as, so that agents or members who are
; listening to more than one queue can differentiated how they should
; engage the customer
;announce = queue-markq
; A strategy may be specified.  Valid strategies include:
; ringall - ring all available channels until one answers (default)
; leastrecent - ring interface which was least recently hung up by this queue
; fewestcalls - ring the one with fewest completed calls from this queue
; random - ring random interface
; rrmemory - round robin with memory, remember where we left off last ring pass
; rrordered - same as rrmemory, except the queue member order from config file 
;             is preserved
; linear - rings interfaces in the order specified in this configuration file.
;          If you use dynamic members, the members will be rung in the order in
;          which they were added
; wrandom - rings random interface, but uses the member's penalty as a weight
;           when calculating their metric. So a member with penalty 0 will have
;           a metric somewhere between 0 and 1000, and a member with penalty 1 will
;			have a metric between 0 and 2000, and a member with penalty 2 will have
;           a metric between 0 and 3000. Please note, if using this strategy, the member
;           penalty is not the same as when using other queue strategies. It is ONLY used
;           as a weight for calculating metric.
;strategy = ringall
; Second settings for service level (default 0)
; Used for service level statistics (calls answered within service level time
; frame)
;servicelevel = 60
; A context may be specified, in which if the user types a SINGLE
; digit extension while they are in the queue, they will be taken out
; of the queue and sent to that extension in this context.
;context = qoutcon
; A limit can be set to disregard penalty settings when the queue has
; too few members.  No penalty will be weighed in if there are only X
; or fewer queue members. (default 0)
;penaltymemberslimit = 5
;----------------------QUEUE TIMING OPTIONS------------------------------------
; A Queue has two different "timeout" values associated with it. One is the
; timeout parameter configured in queues.conf. This timeout specifies the
; amount of time to try ringing a member's phone before considering the
; member to be unavailable. The other timeout value is the second argument
; to the Queue() application. This timeout represents the absolute amount
; of time to allow a caller to stay in the queue before the caller is
; removed from the queue. In certain situations, these two timeout values
; may clash. For instance, if the timeout in queues.conf is set to 5 seconds,
; the retry value in queues.conf is set to 4, and the second argument to Queue()
; is 10, then the following may occur:
; A caller places a call to a queue.
; The queue selects a member and attempts to ring that member.
; The member's phone is rung for 5 seconds and he does not answer.
; The retry time of 4 seconds occurs.
; The queue selects a second member to call.
; How long does that second member's phone ring? Does it ring for 5 seconds
; since the timeout set in app_queue is 5 seconds? Does it ring for 1 second since
; the caller has been in the queue for 9 seconds and is supposed to be removed after
; being in the queue for 10 seconds? This is configurable with the timeoutpriority
; option. By setting the timeoutpriority to "conf" then you are saying that you would
; rather use the time specified in the configuration file even if it means having the
; caller stay in the queue longer than the time specified in the application argument.
; For the scenario described above, timeoutpriority=conf would result in the second
; member's phone ringing for 5 seconds. By specifying "app" as the value for
; timeoutpriority, you are saying that the timeout specified as the argument to the
; Queue application is more important. In the scenario above, timeoutpriority=app
; would result in the second member's phone ringing for 1 second.
; There are a few exceptions to the priority rules. For instance, if timeoutpriority=appp
; and the configuration file timeout is set to 0, but the application argument timeout is
; non-zero, then the timeoutpriority is ignored and the application argument is used as
; the timeout. Furthermore, if no application argument timeout is specified, then the
; timeoutpriority option is ignored and the configuration file timeout is always used
; when calling queue members.
; In timeoutpriority=conf mode however timeout specified in config file will take higher
; priority than timeout in application arguments, so if config file has timeout 0, each
; queue member will be called indefineately and application timeout will be checked only
; after this call attempt. This is useful for having queue members with custom timeouts
; specified within Dial application of Local channel, and allows handling NO ANSWER which
; would otherwise be interrupted by queue destroying child channel on timeout.
; The default value for timeoutpriority is "app" since this was how previous versions of
; Asterisk behaved.
;timeout = 15
;retry = 5
;timeoutpriority = app|conf
;-----------------------END QUEUE TIMING OPTIONS---------------------------------
; Weight of queue - when compared to other queues, higher weights get
; first shot at available channels when the same channel is included in
; more than one queue.
; After a successful call, how long to wait before sending a potentially
; free member another call (default is 0, or no delay)
; Autofill will follow queue strategy but push multiple calls through
; at same time until there are no more waiting callers or no more
; available members. The per-queue setting of autofill allows you
; to override the default setting on an individual queue level.
; Autopause will pause a queue member if they fail to answer a call
; no: Member will not be paused
; yes: Member will be paused only in the queue where the timeout took place
; all: Memeber will be paused in all queues he/she is a member
; Autopausedelay delay autopause for autopausedelay seconds from the
; last call if a member has not taken a call the delay has no effect.
; Autopausebusy controls whether or not a queue member is set as paused
; automatically upon the member device reporting busy. The autopausedelay
; option applies. Defaults to 'no'.
; Autopauseunavail controls whether or not a queue member is set as paused
; automatically upon the member device reporting congestion. The autopausedely
; option applies. Defaults to 'no'.
; Maximum number of people waiting in the queue (0 for unlimited)
;maxlen = 0
; Note: for below queue channel options (setinterfacevar, setqueueentryvar,
; setqueuevar) if the caller channel is a local channel and optimizations
; is enabled then after optimization has occurred only the queue member
; channel will contain the variables.
; If set to yes, just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member
; the following variables will be set on the caller and queue member channels:
; MEMBERINTERFACE is the interface name (eg. Agent/1234)
; MEMBERNAME is the member name (eg. Joe Soap)
; MEMBERCALLS is the number of calls that interface has taken,
; MEMBERLASTCALL is the last time the member took a call.
; MEMBERPENALTY is the penalty of the member
; MEMBERDYNAMIC indicates if a member is dynamic or not
; MEMBERREALTIME indicates if a member is realtime or not
; If set to yes, just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member
; the following variables will be set on the caller and queue member channels:
; QEHOLDTIME callers hold time
; QEORIGINALPOS original position of the caller in the queue
; If set to yes, the following variables will be set
; just prior to the caller being bridged with a queue member (set on the
; caller and queue member channels) and just prior to the caller
; leaving the queue
; QUEUENAME name of the queue
; QUEUEMAX maxmimum number of calls allowed
; QUEUESTRATEGY the strategy of the queue;
; QUEUECALLS number of calls currently in the queue
; QUEUEHOLDTIME current average hold time
; QUEUECOMPLETED number of completed calls for the queue
; QUEUEABANDONED number of abandoned calls
; QUEUESRVLEVEL queue service level
; QUEUESRVLEVELPERF current service level performance

; if set, run this macro when connected to the queue member
; you can override this macro by setting the macro option on
; the queue application

; if set, run this gosub when connected to the queue member
; you can override this gosub by setting the gosub option on
; the queue application

; How often to announce queue position and/or estimated
; holdtime to caller (0=off)
; Note that this value is ignored if the caller's queue
; position has changed (see min-announce-frequency)
;announce-frequency = 90
; The absolute minimum time between the start of each
; queue position and/or estimated holdtime announcement
; This is useful for avoiding constant announcements
; when the caller's queue position is changing frequently
; (see announce-frequency)
;min-announce-frequency = 15
; How often to make any periodic announcement (see periodic-announce)
; Should the periodic announcements be played in a random order? Default is no.
; If set to yes, the periodic announcment frequency will be timed from the end
; of each announcment rather than from the start of each announcment.  This
; defaults to off.
; Should we include estimated hold time in position announcements?
; Either yes, no, or only once.
; Hold time will be announced as the estimated time.
;announce-holdtime = yes|no|once
; Queue position announce?
; Valid values are "yes," "no," "limit," or "more." If set to "no," then the caller's position will
; never be announced. If "yes," then the caller's position in the queue will be announced
; to the caller. If set to "more," then if the number of callers is more than the number
; specified by the announce-position-limit option, then the caller will hear that there
; are more than that many callers waiting (i.e. if a caller number 6 is in a queue with the
; announce-position-limit set to 5, then that caller will hear that there are more than 5
; callers waiting). If set to "limit," then only callers within the limit specified by announce-position-limit
; will have their position announced.
;announce-position = yes
; If enabled, play announcements to the first user waiting in the Queue. This may mean
; that announcements are played when an agent attempts to connect to the waiting user,
; which may delay the time before the agent and the user can communicate. Disabled by
; default.
; announce-to-first-user = no
; If you have specified "limit" or "more" for the announce-position option, then the following
; value is what is used to determine what announcement to play to waiting callers. If you have
; set the announce-position option to anything else, then this will have no bearing on queue operation
;announce-position-limit = 5
; What's the rounding time for the seconds?
; If this is non-zero, then we announce the seconds as well as the minutes
; rounded to this value.
; Valid values are 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30.
; announce-round-seconds = 10
; Use these sound files in making position/holdtime announcements.  The
; defaults are as listed below -- change only if you need to.
; Keep in mind that you may also prevent a sound from being played if you
; explicitly set a sound to be an empty string. For example, if you want to
; prevent the queue from playing queue-thankyou, you may set the sound using
; the following line:
; queue-thankyou=
			;	("You are now first in line.")
;queue-youarenext = queue-youarenext
			;	("There are")
;queue-thereare	= queue-thereare
			;	("calls waiting.")
;queue-callswaiting = queue-callswaiting
			;	("The current est. holdtime is")
;queue-holdtime = queue-holdtime
			;	("minute.")
;queue-minute = queue-minute
			;	("minutes.")
;queue-minutes = queue-minutes
			;	("seconds.")
;queue-seconds = queue-seconds
			;	("Thank you for your patience.")
;queue-thankyou = queue-thankyou
			;       ("Hold time")
;queue-reporthold = queue-reporthold
			;       ("All reps busy / wait for next")
;periodic-announce = queue-periodic-announce
; A set of periodic announcements can be defined by separating
; periodic announcements to reproduce by commas. For example:
;periodic-announce = queue-periodic-announce,your-call-is-important,please-wait
; The announcements will be played in the order in which they are defined. After
; playing the last announcement, the announcements begin again from the beginning.
; Calls may be recorded using Asterisk's monitor/MixMonitor resource
; This can be enabled from within the Queue application, starting recording
; when the call is actually picked up; thus, only successful calls are
; recorded, and you are not recording while people are listening to MOH.
; To enable monitoring, simply specify "monitor-format";  it will be disabled
; otherwise.
; You can specify the monitor filename with by calling
; Otherwise it will use MONITOR_FILENAME=${UNIQUEID}
; Pick any one valid extension for monitor format recording. If you leave
; monitor-format commented out, it will not record calls.
; monitor-format = gsm|wav|wav49
; Monitor Type
;    By setting monitor-type = MixMonitor, when specifying monitor-format
;    to enable recording of queue member conversations, app_queue will
;    now use the new MixMonitor application instead of Monitor so
;    the concept of "joining/mixing" the in/out files now goes away
;    when this is enabled. If you do not specify or comment out this option,
;    it will default to the old 'Monitor' behavior to keep backward
;    compatibility.
; monitor-type = MixMonitor
; ----------------------- TYPE MIXMONITOR OPTIONS -----------------------------
; You can specify the options supplied to MixMonitor by calling (from the dialplan)
;   Set(MONITOR_OPTIONS=av(<x>)V(<x>)W(<x>))
; The 'b' option for MixMonitor (only save audio to the file while bridged) is
; implied.
; You can specify a post recording command to be executed after the end of
; recording by calling (from the dialplan)
;   Set(MONITOR_EXEC=mv /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/^{MONITOR_FILENAME} /tmp/^{MONITOR_FILENAME})
; or
;   Set(MONITOR_EXEC=mv /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/^{MIXMONITOR_FILENAME} /tmp/^{MIXMONITOR_FILENAME})
; If you choose to use the latter, you will not be able to switch the monitor-type back to Monitor
; without changing this in the dialplan.
; The command specified within the contents of MONITOR_EXEC will be executed when
; the recording is over. Any strings matching ^{X} will be unescaped to ${X} and
; all variables will be evaluated just prior to recording being started.
; The contents of MONITOR_FILENAME will also be unescaped from ^{X} to ${X} and
; all variables will be evaluated just prior to recording being started.
; ---------------------- Queue Empty Options ----------------------------------
; Asterisk has provided the "joinempty" and "leavewhenempty" options for a while
; with tenuous definitions of what they actually mean. The "joinempty" option controls
; whether a caller may join a queue depending on several factors of member availability.
; Similarly, then leavewhenempty option controls whether a caller may remain in a queue
; he has already joined. Both options take a comma-separated list of factors which
; contribute towards whether a caller may join/remain in the queue. The list of
; factors which contribute to these option is as follows:
; paused: a member is not considered available if he is paused
; penalty: a member is not considered available if his penalty is less than QUEUE_MAX_PENALTY
; inuse: a member is not considered available if he is currently on a call
; ringing: a member is not considered available if his phone is currently ringing
; unavailable: This applies mainly to Agent channels. If the agent is a member of the queue
;              but has not logged in, then do not consider the member to be available
; invalid: Do not consider a member to be available if he has an "invalid" device state.
;          This generally is caused by an error condition in the member's channel driver.
; unknown: Do not consider a member to be available if we are unable to determine the member's
;          current device state.
; wrapup: A member is not considered available if he is currently in his wrapuptime after
;         taking a call.
; For the "joinempty" option, when a caller attempts to enter a queue, the members of that
; queue are examined. If all members are deemed to be unavailable due to any of the conditions
; listed for the "joinempty" option, then the caller will be unable to enter the queue. For the
; "leavewhenempty" option, the state of the members of the queue are checked periodically during
; the caller's stay in the queue. If all of the members are unavailable due to any of the above
; conditions, then the caller will be removed from the queue.
; Some examples:
;joinempty = paused,inuse,invalid
; A caller will not be able to enter a queue if at least one member cannot be found
; who is not paused, on the phone, or who has an invalid device state.
;leavewhenempty = inuse,ringing
; A caller will be removed from the queue if at least one member cannot be found
; who is not on the phone, or whose phone is not ringing.
; For the sake of backwards-compatibility, the joinempty and leavewhenempty
; options also accept the strings "yes" "no" "strict" and "loose". The following
; serves as a translation for these values:
; yes - (empty) for joinempty; penalty,paused,invalid for leavewhenempty
; no - penalty,paused,invalid for joinempty; (empty) for leavewhenempty
; strict - penalty,paused,invalid,unavailable
; loose - penalty,invalid

; If you wish to report the caller's hold time to the member before they are
; connected to the caller, set this to yes.
; reportholdtime = no
; If you want the queue to avoid sending calls to members whose devices are
; known to be 'in use' (via the channel driver supporting that device state)
; uncomment this option. This can be controlled on a per member basis by
; setting 'ringinuse' on that member. This can be done in the member definition,
; in the 'ringinuse' field on a realtime member, via the QUEUE_MEMBER dialplan
; function, or with CLI/AMI. By default, the per member value will be the same
; as the queue's ringinuse value if it isn't set on the member deliberately.
; (Note: only the SIP channel driver currently is able to report 'in use'.)
; ringinuse = no
; If you wish to have a delay before the member is connected to the caller (or
; before the member hears any announcement messages), set this to the number of
; seconds to delay.
; memberdelay = 0
; If timeoutrestart is set to yes, then the timeout for an agent to answer is
; reset if a BUSY or CONGESTION is received.  This can be useful if agents
; are able to cancel a call with reject or similar.
; timeoutrestart = no
; If you wish to implement a rule defined in queuerules.conf (see
; configs/queuerules.conf.sample from the asterisk source directory for
; more information about penalty rules) by default, you may specify this
; by setting defaultrule to the rule's name
; defaultrule = myrule
; Each member of this call queue is listed on a separate line in
; the form technology/dialstring.  "member" means a normal member of a
; queue.  An optional penalty may be specified after a comma, such that
; entries with higher penalties are considered last.  An optional member
; name may also be specified after a second comma, which is used in log
; messages as a "friendly name".  Multiple interfaces may share a single
; member name. An optional state interface may be specified after a third
; comma. This interface will be the one for which app_queue receives device
; state notifications, even though the first interface specified is the one
; that is actually called.
; A hint can also be used in place of the state interface using the format
; hint:<extension>@<context>. If no context is specified then 'default' will
; be used.
; It is important to ensure that channel drivers used for members are loaded
; before itself or they may be marked invalid until reload. This
; can be accomplished by explicitly listing them in modules.conf before
;  Additionally, if you use Local channels as queue members, you
; must also preload and (or,,
; or, depending on how your dialplan is configured).
; syntax: member => interface,[,penalty][,membername][,state_interface][,ringinuse]
;member => DAHDI/1
;member => DAHDI/2,10
;member => DAHDI/3,10,Bob Johnson
;member => Local/1001@agents,0,May Flowers,Agent:1001
;member => Local/1002@agents,0,John Doe,Agent:1002
;member => Local/1000@default,0,John Smith,SIP/1000
;member => Local/2000@default,0,Lorem Ipsum,SIP/2000,no


musicclass=default    ; play [default] music

큐에 대기중인 콜에 들려주는 음악을 설정한다. musiconhold.conf 에 있는 default 클래스의 음악이 나오게된다.


strategy=rrmemory    ; use the Round Robin Memory strategy

strategy 는 큐에 대기중인 상담원 중에서 누가 콜을 받을 것인지를 결정한다. 다음의 옵션들이 사용 가능하다.

ringall : 가용한 모든 채널들에 벨을 울려서 처음으로 응답한 채널과 연결한다.(default)
leastrecent : 현재의 큐에서 가장 최근에 콜을 종료한 채널에 연결을 시도한다.
fewestcalls : 현재의 큐에서 가장 적은 콜을 받은 채널에 연결을 시도한다.
random : 랜덤하게 연결을 시도한다.
rrmemory : round robin 방식으로 벨을 울린다. 시작은 이전에 마지막으로 울린 채널 다음부터 시작해서 계속 이어간다.
rrordered : 라운드 로빈을 적용하는 방식이 queues.conf 파일에 정해진 순서대로 돌아간다는 점만 빼면은, rrmemory와 같다.
linear : 설정파일에 설정되어 있는 채널 순서대로 벨을 울린다. 유동적인 상담원(채널)의 경우, 상담원(채널)이 추가된 위치 순서에 맞춰 벨이 울리게 된다.
wrandom : 랜덤하게 연결을 시도한다. 단, 상담원의 패널티에 따른 가중치를 고려한다. 만약 패널티가 0 이라면 가중치는 0 에서 1000 사이의 숫자가 된다. 만약 패널티가 1이 되면, 가중치는 0 에서 2000 사이의 숫자가 된다. 그리고 만약 패널티가 2이면 가중치는 0에서 3000 사이의 숫자가 된다. 이후, 가장 낮은 패널티를 가진 상담원에게 콜을 연결한다. 그리고 만약 wrandom 을 사용하고, 상담원이 하나 이상의 큐에 소속되어 있다면, 상담원에게 부과되는 패널티는 각각의 큐마다 서로 독립적으로 관리되게 된다.
roundrobin : 채널이 응답할 때 까지, 한번에 하나씩 가용한 채널들에게 순서대로 벨을 울린다.(1.4 이후 부터는 사용되지 않는다. 1.4 이후부터는 rrmemroy 를 사용한다)


Queue 에 응답할 수 있는 채널이 없어도 콜을 인입시킬지 말지를 결정한다.

; This setting controls whether callers can join a queue with no members.
; There are three choices:
; yes - callers can join a queue with no members or only unavailable members
; no - callers cannot join a queue with no members
; strict - callers cannot join a queue with no members or only unavailable members
; loose - same as strict, but paused queue members do not count as unavailable (new in 1.6)
; joinempty = yes


큐에 더이상 응답할 수 있는 채널이 없을 때의, 큐에 남아있는 콜의 행동 방식을 지정한다.

;leavewhenempty = inuse,ringing
; A caller will be removed from the queue if at least one member cannot be found
; who is not on the phone, or whose phone is not ringing.
; For the sake of backwards-compatibility, the joinempty and leavewhenempty
; options also accept the strings "yes" "no" "strict" and "loose". The following
; serves as a translation for these values:
; yes - (empty) for joinempty; penalty,paused,invalid for leavewhenempty
; no - penalty,paused,invalid for joinempty; (empty) for leavewhenempty
; strict - penalty,paused,invalid,unavailable
; loose - penalty,invalid

만약 큐에 대기중인 상담원이 없다면, 큐에 인입된 콜을 큐에서 삭제하는 옵션이다.


; If you want the queue to avoid sending calls to members whose devices are
; known to be 'in use' (via the channel driver supporting that device state)
; uncomment this option. This can be controlled on a per member basis by
; setting 'ringinuse' on that member. This can be done in the member definition,
; in the 'ringinuse' field on a realtime member, via the QUEUE_MEMBER dialplan
; function, or with CLI/AMI. By default, the per member value will be the same
; as the queue's ringinuse value if it isn't set on the member deliberately.
; (Note: only the SIP channel driver currently is able to report 'in use'.)
; ringinuse = no

만약 상담원의 전화기 중 하나가 "사용 중" 상태라도, 콜을 연결하도록 하는 옵션이다. 기본값은 no 이다.


queue 에 멤버를 고정적으로 추가한다.

member => interface,[,penalty][,membername][,state_interface][,ringinuse]

queue 에 유동적으로 멤버를 추가하는 것이 아닌, app_queue 모듈이 올라올때마다 고정적으로 멤버가 추가되도록 할 때 사용하는 방법이다.

member => SIP/0000FFFF0005 ; or any other channel

member => SIP/0000FFFF0006


간단한 큐 생성 예제이다.

musicclass = default
strategy = ringall
joinempty = yes

See also