Kamailio module nathelper
Kamailio 모듈 nathelper 내용 정리.
Checks if the Request URI has an "alias" parameter and if so, removes it and sets the "$du" based on its value. Note that this means that routing of request is based on ";alias" parameter value of the Request URI rather than the Request URI itself. If you call handle_ruri_alias() on a request, make sure that you screen the alias parameter value of Request URI the same ways as you would screen the Request URI itself.
The optional parameter mode can be 0 to consume first alias parameter, otherwise it consumes the last alias parameter. If the parameter mode is not provided, it consumes the first parameter.
Returns 1 if ";alias" parameter was found and "$du" was set and the "$ru" rewrite, 2 if the alias parameter was not found and nothing was done, or -1 in case of error.
... if ($du == "") { handle_ruri_alias(); switch ($rc) { case -1: xlog("L_ERR", "Failed to handle alias of R-URI $ru\n"); send_reply("400", "Bad request"); exit; case 1: xlog("L_INFO", "Routing in-dialog $rm from $fu to $du\n"); break; case 2: xlog("L_INFO", "Routing in-dialog $rm from $fu to $ru\n"); break; }; }; ...
Adds an ";alias=ip~port~transport" parameter to the contact URI containing the received ip, port, and transport protocol. The new contact URI is immediately visible to other modules in the way the fix_nated_contact() does it.
- trim: by default, set_contact_alias() will not detect and trim an already existing alias parameter. If this optional parameter is set to "1", set_contact_alias() will trim the existing alias before adding a new one.
... if (!is_present_hf("Record-Route")) { if (!set_contact_alias()) { xlog("L_ERR", "Error in aliasing contact $ct\n"); send_reply("400", "Bad request"); exit; }; }; ...