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libevhtp 는 libevent 를 이용한 HTTP API 라이브러리이다. libevhtp 를 사용하면 손쉽게 REST 인터페이스를 구현할 수 있다.



이벤트 베이스

<source lang=c> typedef struct evhtp_s evhtp_t;


* @brief main structure containing all configuration information

struct evhtp_s {

   evhtp_t  * parent;           /**< only when this is a vhost */
   evbase_t * evbase;           /**< the initialized event_base */
   evserv_t * server;           /**< the libevent listener struct */
   char     * server_name;      /**< the name included in Host: responses */
   void     * arg;              /**< user-defined evhtp_t specific arguments */
   int        bev_flags;        /**< bufferevent flags to use on bufferevent_*_socket_new() */
   uint64_t   max_body_size;
   uint64_t   max_keepalive_requests;
   int        disable_100_cont; /**< if set, evhtp will not respond to Expect: 100-continue */
   evhtp_ssl_ctx_t * ssl_ctx;   /**< if ssl enabled, this is the servers CTX */
   evhtp_ssl_cfg_t * ssl_cfg;
  1. endif
   evthr_pool_t * thr_pool;     /**< connection threadpool */
  1. endif
   pthread_mutex_t    * lock;   /**< parent lock for add/del cbs in threads */
   evhtp_thread_init_cb thread_init_cb;
   void               * thread_init_cbarg;
  1. endif
   evhtp_callbacks_t * callbacks;
   evhtp_defaults_t    defaults;
   struct timeval recv_timeo;
   struct timeval send_timeo;
   TAILQ_HEAD(, evhtp_alias_s) aliases;
   TAILQ_HEAD(, evhtp_s) vhosts;
   TAILQ_ENTRY(evhtp_s) next_vhost;

}; </source>

이벤트 콜백

<source lang=c> typedef struct evhtp_callback_s evhtp_callback_t;


* @brief structure containing a single callback and configuration
* The definition structure which is used within the evhtp_callbacks_t
* structure. This holds information about what should execute for either
* a single or regex path.
* For example, if you registered a callback to be executed on a request
* for "/herp/derp", your defined callback will be executed.
* Optionally you can set callback-specific hooks just like per-connection
* hooks using the same rules.

struct evhtp_callback_s {

   evhtp_callback_type type;           /**< the type of callback (regex|path) */
   evhtp_callback_cb   cb;             /**< the actual callback function */
   unsigned int        hash;           /**< the full hash generated integer */
   void              * cbarg;          /**< user-defind arguments passed to the cb */
   evhtp_hooks_t     * hooks;          /**< per-callback hooks */
   union {
       char * path;
       char * glob;
       regex_t * regex;
  1. endif
   } val;
   TAILQ_ENTRY(evhtp_callback_s) next;

}; </source>


HTTP request 요청시 모든 정보가 저장되는 구조체이다. <source lang=c> typedef struct evhtp_request_s evhtp_request_t;


* @brief a structure containing all information for a http request.

struct evhtp_request_s {

   evhtp_t            * htp;         /**< the parent evhtp_t structure */
   evhtp_connection_t * conn;        /**< the associated connection */
   evhtp_hooks_t      * hooks;       /**< request specific hooks */
   evhtp_uri_t        * uri;         /**< request URI information */
   evbuf_t            * buffer_in;   /**< buffer containing data from client */
   evbuf_t            * buffer_out;  /**< buffer containing data to client */
   evhtp_headers_t    * headers_in;  /**< headers from client */
   evhtp_headers_t    * headers_out; /**< headers to client */
   evhtp_proto          proto;       /**< HTTP protocol used */
   htp_method           method;      /**< HTTP method used */
   evhtp_res            status;      /**< The HTTP response code or other error conditions */
   int                  keepalive;   /**< set to 1 if the connection is keep-alive */
   int                  finished;    /**< set to 1 if the request is fully processed */
   int                  chunked;     /**< set to 1 if the request is chunked */
   evhtp_callback_cb cb;             /**< the function to call when fully processed */
   void            * cbarg;          /**< argument which is passed to the cb function */
   int               error;
   TAILQ_ENTRY(evhtp_request_s) next;

}; </source>



<source lang=c> /**

* @brief creates a new evhtp_t instance
* @param evbase the initialized event base
* @param arg user-defined argument which is evhtp_t specific
* @return a new evhtp_t structure or NULL on error

evhtp_t * evhtp_new(evbase_t * evbase, void * arg); void evhtp_free(evhtp_t * evhtp); </source> evhtp 인스턴스 생성/삭제 함수

콜백 등록

  • Interface

<source lang=c> /**

* @brief sets a callback to be executed on a specific path
* @param htp the initialized evhtp_t
* @param path the path to match
* @param cb the function to be executed
* @param arg user-defined argument passed to the callback
* @return evhtp_callback_t * on success, NULL on error.

evhtp_callback_t * evhtp_set_cb(evhtp_t * htp, const char * path, evhtp_callback_cb cb, void * arg); </source> 지정된 경로가 호출되었을 때 실행 될 콜백 함수를 지정한다.

  • Example

<source lang=c> void testcb(evhtp_request_t *req, void *a) {

   const char *str = a;
   evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "%s", str);
   evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);


evhtp_t *htp = evhtp_new(evbase, NULL);

evhtp_set_cb(htp, "/simple/", testcb, "simple"); </source>

Listen 소켓 설정/해제

  • Interface

<source lang=c> /**

* @brief bind to a socket, optionally with specific protocol support
*        formatting. The addr can be defined as one of the following:
*          ipv6:<ipv6addr> for binding to an IPv6 address.
*          unix:<named pipe> for binding to a unix named socket
*          ipv4:<ipv4addr> for binding to an ipv4 address
*        Otherwise the addr is assumed to be ipv4.
* @param htp
* @param addr
* @param port
* @param backlog
* @return

int evhtp_bind_socket(evhtp_t * htp, const char * addr, uint16_t port, int backlog);


* @brief stops the listening socket.
* @param htp

void evhtp_unbind_socket(evhtp_t * htp); </source> Listen 주소를 설정/해제한다. 주소 설정 시, 자동으로 주소 타입을 파싱해서 알맞은 소켓 타입으로 생성한 후, listen 한다. "" 설정시, localhost 주소를 listen 한다.

  • Example

<source lang=c> evhtp_bind_socket(htp, "", 8081, 1024);

evhtp_unbind_socket(htp); </source>



  • test_basic.c

<source lang=c>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. include <string.h>
  4. include <stdint.h>
  5. include <errno.h>
  6. include <evhtp.h>

void testcb(evhtp_request_t *req, void *a) {

   const char *str = a;
   evbuffer_add_printf(req->buffer_out, "%s", str);
   evhtp_send_reply(req, EVHTP_RES_OK);


int main(int argc, char **argv) {

   evbase_t *evbase    = event_base_new();
   evhtp_t *htp        = evhtp_new(evbase, NULL);
   evhtp_set_cb(htp, "/simple/", testcb, "simple");
   evhtp_set_cb(htp, "/1/ping", testcb, "one");
   evhtp_set_cb(htp, "/1/ping.json", testcb, "two");
   evhtp_use_threads(htp, NULL, 4, NULL);
  1. endif
   evhtp_bind_socket(htp, "", 8081, 1024);
   event_base_loop(evbase, 0);
   return 0;

} </source>


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