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RTPEngine 내용 정리.
RTPEngine 은 RTP media stream proxy 서버이다.
Required packages
pkg-config GLib including GThread and GLib-JSON version 2.x zlib OpenSSL PCRE library XMLRPC-C version 1.16.08 or higher hiredis library gperf libcurl version 3.x or 4.x libevent version 2.x libpcap libsystemd spandsp MySQL or MariaDB client library (optional for media playback and call recording daemon) libiptc library for iptables management (optional) ffmpeg codec libraries for transcoding (optional) such as libavcodec, libavfilter, libswresample bcg729 for full G.729 transcoding support (optional)
추가적으로 다음의 패키지들도 필요하다.
libconfig-tiny-perl module-assistant libxmlrpc-c++8-dev linux-*-$(uname -r)
때때로 아래와 같은 에러가 나오면서 실행이 안되는 경우가 있는데, 이럴땐, linux-*-$(uname -r) 패키지 설치 후 다시 빌드를 진행하면 해결된다.
[1581510173.595075] ERR: FAILED TO CREATE KERNEL TABLE 0 (No such file or directory), KERNEL FORWARDING DISABLED [1581510173.595925] CRIT: Fatal error: Failed to open UDP control connection port
Kernel Module
The kernel module supports multiple forwarding tables which are identified through their ID number. By default, up to 64 forwarding tables can be created and used, giving them the ID numbers 0 through 63.
Each forwarding table can be thought of a separated proxy instance. Each running instance of the rtpengine daemon controls one such table, and each table can only be controlled by one running instance of the daemon at any